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Chuck Yeager's Fighter Combat details inside

May 14, 2010 at 7:50:07 PM
BeaglePuss (41)
(Matt Nolan) < Bowser >
Posts: 5894 - Joined: 12/01/2008
I went home early from work today for the first time in years so I would have a chance to play Chuck Yeager's Fighter Combat.  My doorbell sounded around 1PM, and I rushed to the door to forge my brother's signature.

My first play through was a humbling one.  I sucked so bad that I thought the game was both broken and incomplete.  Boy was I wrong.  Thank God Mark is a proficient gamer and was able to slam through a good chunk of the game. 

This game is fantastic!.  It's extremely involved for an NES game.  There are two selectable training options and two gameplay options including a two player game where Player one flies the jet and Player two is in charge of artillery.  There are four weapons (including remote missiles that the player take control of to seek out long range targets), tons of baddies (Planes, helicopters, tanks, etc), awesome pseudo 3-D effects (Think 8-bit Star Fox), well developed story line, tons of in-game options (multiple camera angles), and some of the most ridiculous digitized voice overs of all time.  Not only is the voice fantastic, but Yeager's disembodied head appears on screen every time another one liner is shared. 

Since we haven't technically completed the game, I can't guarantee that it's a finished product.  From what I've played thus far though, I would be shocked if it isn't 100%.  We'll have to play through it before knowing for sure.  The controls take some getting used to, as all flight sims seem to.  There's a lot to master.  Once you get the controls down though, the game is amazingly enjoyable.  I think Mark and I put in over three hours of gameplay already.  

Mark's last mission had him leaving Croton Italy and fighting terrorist in Libya. 

Throughout the game you're accompanied by The Yeager-bomb himself.  He helps shoot down the bad guys, and shouts words of encouragement like "Engage!"  Drop the ball though, and The Yeagermeister will give you an ear full.  "You call yourself a pilot!?"

All in all, I will say that this game is a fantastic candidate for a reproduction.  It's a fantastic game, and we're looking forward to sharing it with the rest of you.  I will be updating this thread with screen shots, release information, and possibly some video down the road.  

May 14, 2010 at 8:13:21 PM
Laurie (42)
(Levar Burtons' Magically Wonderful Deluxe Sundae Machine) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1538 - Joined: 07/02/2009
Looks like I'm going to have to save my cash for this. I'm excited for this one!



May 14, 2010 at 8:38:17 PM
ulasamosa (280)
(James Ulizza) < Bowser >
Posts: 5926 - Joined: 12/29/2009
those f'n libyan terrorists....can't wait for more info!

May 14, 2010 at 8:44:58 PM
BeaglePuss (41)
(Matt Nolan) < Bowser >
Posts: 5894 - Joined: 12/01/2008
Mark's snapping some screen caps right now.

May 14, 2010 at 8:53:10 PM
VGS_MrMark0673 (455)
(Mark Nolan) < Master Higgins >
Posts: 8031 - Joined: 02/20/2007
Some screen caps and a shot of the PCB for those interested:

The two things that continue to stand out for me are:

- The digital voices
- The "polygon" graphics that I never thought I'd see on the NES

Hope you guys enjoy, I'll be adding more stuff in the future!



May 14, 2010 at 9:00:19 PM
qixmaster (129)
(Josh B) < Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 11150 - Joined: 08/19/2006
pure badassness. have a chance to watch the video yet?

eBay listings here

May 14, 2010 at 9:13:43 PM
themotherbrain (93)
(> ROB <) < King Solomon >
Posts: 4200 - Joined: 06/14/2008
New York
Awesome dudes! I'm glad it went to a good home.


No Ninja Rap = No Thanks. 

Check out my FS thread here -

May 14, 2010 at 9:14:26 PM
BeaglePuss (41)
(Matt Nolan) < Bowser >
Posts: 5894 - Joined: 12/01/2008
Originally posted by: qixmaster

pure badassness. have a chance to watch the video yet?

I had the chance to look at it while Mark was at work today.  I was having a lot of trouble getting the hang of the game, so I was hoping that the VHS would shed some light.  I don't have a tape player here, so I had to shoot over to my parents house.

The VHS has faint text at the top that reads "Pocket Rockets Commodore 64" (Not porn, I swear!).  Apparently it was a C64 motorcycle game put out by Capcom.  Over that sticker reads "NES Flight Simulator."

I put the tape in and find 3 1/2 minutes of rough game play from an earlier build.  There's no floating Yeager head yet, and the options screen was noticeably early.  There was no commentary, just a straight stream of game play.  I did figure out how the weapons automatically cycle depending on how close you are to a target.  I also got my first look at the unmanned remote missiles, so that was cool.

I only watched the tape once, so I'll have to look back through it now that I've (Mark) played more.  I do remember a screen with an army tank that I believe is absent in the build I have.

We have plans for the VHS as well, but more on that in the future.

Edited: 05/14/2010 at 09:16 PM by BeaglePuss

May 14, 2010 at 9:14:46 PM
NESHomebrew (21)
(Brad Bateman - Strange Brew Games) < King Solomon >
Posts: 4266 - Joined: 04/28/2008
I'm glad you guys got this. I've always loved flight sim games. Can't wait to try it out!

May 14, 2010 at 9:16:50 PM
ulasamosa (280)
(James Ulizza) < Bowser >
Posts: 5926 - Joined: 12/29/2009
This game looks awesome! Cant wait to try and land on the aircraft carrier.......

May 14, 2010 at 9:18:04 PM
VGS_MrMark0673 (455)
(Mark Nolan) < Master Higgins >
Posts: 8031 - Joined: 02/20/2007
Originally posted by: ulasamosa

This game looks awesome! Cant wait to try and land on the aircraft carrier.......

You mean refuel in mid-flight? 

Like I said, this one looks to have some depth of gameplay...



May 14, 2010 at 9:25:43 PM
dangevin (219)
(Dan Langevin) < Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 12131 - Joined: 08/17/2006



May 14, 2010 at 9:39:10 PM
arch_8ngel (68)
(Nathan ?) < Mario >
Posts: 35271 - Joined: 06/12/2007

I wonder why on earth they picked an F16, though. The USA never used the 2-seat version for combat, though I think Israel and Chile might.

Looks like it will be a good time! Have you actually played with a Quickshot, to see if it feels better than using a D-pad? Operating a flight sim with a d-pad just makes me think of how I used to play around in Microsoft Flight Sim with a keyboard. Though, amusingly, this game might have better physics than the old MS flight sim...that thing is really weak as far as simulation models go.


Edited: 05/14/2010 at 10:42 PM by arch_8ngel

May 14, 2010 at 10:12:15 PM
coinheaven (256)
(Joe Thomas) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1721 - Joined: 09/11/2007
United States
thanks for the screenshots, looks like a cool game. never been into those flight simulators, but this looks interesting with the floating head and digitized voices. what board is that, mmc1 with sram?

400 repros and counting:

May 14, 2010 at 10:17:46 PM
Laurie (42)
(Levar Burtons' Magically Wonderful Deluxe Sundae Machine) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1538 - Joined: 07/02/2009



May 14, 2010 at 10:28:15 PM
VGS_MrMark0673 (455)
(Mark Nolan) < Master Higgins >
Posts: 8031 - Joined: 02/20/2007
Originally posted by: coinheaven

what board is that, mmc1 with sram?

You got it!  It's on an SNROM board, but doesn't use a battery.  Maybe that's all they had laying around?



May 14, 2010 at 10:39:06 PM (3)

(Dane Galden) < Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 21 - Joined: 05/06/2010
Do you agree with me that the numbers on the screen make the game "better?" I recall Ed saying he wanted to remove them from the game before releasing it, but I liked them. Can't be sure exactly which numbers he meant, but I am assuming the ones around the border on the top half when you're flying.

May 14, 2010 at 10:42:48 PM
arch_8ngel (68)
(Nathan ?) < Mario >
Posts: 35271 - Joined: 06/12/2007
The numbers are the heads-up display. They're part of the aircraft.


May 14, 2010 at 10:43:20 PM
coinheaven (256)
(Joe Thomas) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1721 - Joined: 09/11/2007
United States
Originally posted by: MrMark0673

Originally posted by: coinheaven

what board is that, mmc1 with sram?

You got it!  It's on an SNROM board, but doesn't use a battery.  Maybe that's all they had laying around?

yea, like metroid (mmc1, sram, no battery).  you might want to check if it can work on a sgrom board if your planning on selling these.  would be so much cheaper.  but the game seems complex, so the sram might be necessary.

400 repros and counting:

May 14, 2010 at 10:50:21 PM (3)

(Dane Galden) < Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 21 - Joined: 05/06/2010
Originally posted by: arch_8ngel

The numbers are the heads-up display. They're part of the aircraft.

Maybe he meant some other numbers, then. He just mentioned that in passing and wasn't real clear on it, figuring we'd talk more about it later if we wanted to publish it.

May 14, 2010 at 11:11:01 PM
Elijah (161)
(John (JD) Heins) < Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 11424 - Joined: 08/09/2009
Man this looks cool!

Selling everything.
-------> *Click Here* <--------

God loves everyone

May 14, 2010 at 11:18:41 PM
Topload_Dogbone (25)
(Adam R) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 446 - Joined: 07/03/2009
Man, this looks fantastic. I'm not big on flight sims, especially primitive ones, but this seems like such a standout for the NES because of it's unique graphics and complexity.

Also, about a month ago I remember reading this really long story from the guy who created Captain N, and I believe he mentioned that he originally worked for a company who tried to develop flight sims to sell to Nintendo that they didn't buy, is this one of them? I know none of knew of this games existence prior to the auction so I was wondering if that means it was intended for release at some point or just a demo they made to pitch to the big N. Either way, looks kick ass I'll definitely be interested in a copy when/if you guys decide to release.

May 14, 2010 at 11:24:58 PM
(color dreams) < King Solomon >
Posts: 4784 - Joined: 04/19/2008
Sweet! Thanks for posting



May 14, 2010 at 11:25:13 PM
KidOrrorin (25)
(Frankie Wenzel) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 737 - Joined: 03/01/2010
Originally posted by: Laurie


I wish my brother and I could get along as well as you and yours, Beagle. When we're together we can't even share a nice conversation over dinner. I can't imagine sharing protos with that man! I saw your post on AtariAge and I'm glad you dudes have good plans with this game. Thanks for sharing!

May 15, 2010 at 4:22:13 AM
NationalGameDepot (279)
(Dr. NGD) < Bonk >
Posts: 15286 - Joined: 08/16/2006
Excellent! Looks sweet, congrats on the new pickup.

Proud replier of post #1000 in the infamous Joel thread