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Need help getting a grasp on the Dragon Ball/Z NES games

Jan 24, 2018 at 9:27:58 PM
danny boyx (39)
(Pat Stoddard) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 509 - Joined: 11/02/2011
United States
So, it seems like this for dragon ball z games (not full name for simplicity):

Kyoushuu-came out in ‘90 and is a card based RPG focusing on Saiyan saga

Gekigami-came our in ‘91 same style but Freeza, sequel?

Ressen-came out in ‘92 same style but focuses on the movies? 

Gaiden-came our in ‘93 same style but appears to go past Freeza saga.

Then you have the Dragon Ball RPGs Daimou and Gokuuden, out in ‘88 and ‘89 respectively. The second of which seems to have a board game type movement to it?
