Originally posted by: captmorgandrinker
Journey is a band where you'll have oversaturation creating a negative effect on casuals.
If Led Zeppelin is ever an option, they would get a lower vote on me based on that. I turn the station as soon as I hear an opening riff of most of their songs.
By that do you mean, they get annoyed by the oversaturation of "Don't Stop Believin'" on the radio?
If so, that's an incredible point. I never even considered that as a possibility. Someone listening to a certian song and getting annoyed at an entire artist/band because of it. Makes perfect sense.
It's what happens with Jimmy Buffet. Guy has an INCREDIBLE music library. Radio plays one song.
I mean, I've witnessed it, but never really comprehended the effects of shitty radio stations repeating music over and over. Fuckin' main stream radio stations.