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THE KING OF KONG comments about this documentary

Jul 17, 2008 at 11:21:54 AM
matt163201 (2)
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(Matt K) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 994 - Joined: 03/23/2008
Make sure u do the Drinking Game!

Jul 17, 2008 at 11:25:44 AM
arch_8ngel (68)
(Nathan ?) < Mario >
Posts: 35271 - Joined: 06/12/2007
^^^ Sounds like a dangerous one...I may have to pass on that.


Jul 17, 2008 at 11:30:22 AM
matt163201 (2)
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(Matt K) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 994 - Joined: 03/23/2008
Dont puss out!, if anything just do the rules and skip the challenges

Jul 17, 2008 at 1:25:23 PM
arch_8ngel (68)
(Nathan ?) < Mario >
Posts: 35271 - Joined: 06/12/2007
Eh, I've got nothing to prove, and not damaging brain cells from binge drinking ensures my gainful employment.


Jul 17, 2008 at 1:49:03 PM
matt163201 (2)
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(Matt K) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 994 - Joined: 03/23/2008
dont be a va-gine......JUST DO IT

Another fav site of mine

Jul 17, 2008 at 3:38:50 PM
8bitking (16)
(Greg Kittle) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 349 - Joined: 06/05/2008
Wow, it looks like everyone has some opinions about this game! I personally loved it, as I mentioned earlier...Chad Burger, if you got stiffled because I called Billy Mitchell a Dnozzle, its not because he dedicated his life to dominating a videogame...THATS BADASS!!! I personally dont like him because he didn't have the Grit to show up and do battle head to head...I think his tape was a phony, and he is a pussy, and will continue to think so until I see him play live.
keep the opinions coming!!

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Jul 17, 2008 at 4:03:26 PM
arch_8ngel (68)
(Nathan ?) < Mario >
Posts: 35271 - Joined: 06/12/2007
Nah, got over the allure of drinking games when I got married a few years ago.
Had plenty of good times during my fraternity days, just don't see the need anymore.

The only excuse to really get trashed now is if I'm on a business trip and the boss
is picking up the tab. The guy is a monster, and could probably go beer-for-beer
against an 800 lb. gorilla.


Jul 17, 2008 at 7:50:03 PM
NESJohnny (52)
(Johnny Johnny) < Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2103 - Joined: 01/29/2008
I just watched a lot of the special features. They were great!

DK score now up to 72500. Uh-oh, I hope I'm not getting the bug


Jul 18, 2008 at 1:41:46 AM
Chad Burger (4)
(Chad Burger) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 432 - Joined: 05/14/2008
I think you miss-understood me 8bitking, I said I thought Billy was a a tool a couple of times myself just like you did (I called him a tit in one of my earlier posts), I mean the guy is clearly acting like a tosser- theres no defending that as his behaviour was filmed for all to see. But even so its interesting that he goes to great pains to project that image for his own ends. I also find it quite interesting that the more reading I do around this film the more and more it comes up that hes not such a bad guy and is actually very well liked in the gaming and business circles in which he moves. Obviously this does not make up for his anti-social/snotty behaviour in the film as far as Im concerned as it really does make him look like a fool.

Also I wanted to point out that the way the film was cut was designed to paint him as a little more of a bad guy then perhaps he is/was. For example the bit in Billys chicken shack where Steve and the other guy were not invited and Billy apparently refused to come meet them did not pan out exactly as it looked in the film. The doco only shows the car containing Billy gong around the corner and his mate going to meet him (and apparently snubbing Steve and refusing to see him) but what happened next that as not shown was that Billy came in with his family and was hanging out and chatting with everyone and spent some time with Steve chatting and it was all quite civilised. The only reason I go on about this here is that as I was watching the film it seemed to be making a big deal out of the "fact" that Billy wouldnt meet Steve at all. Its true he refused to PLAY Steve in public even though he made a big deal out of saying it was the only way to discover the champion or whatever, which is another reason he comes off like a fool. But was I was watching the film I was going "oh what a bastard, he wont even talk to Steve or see him oh what a prick" but was miffed to find out this was not the case- it just wasnt shown in the doco. Its just such a big reason to hate Billy in the film and when I found it was not true I felt a little ripped off as I said before.

If all you want is a bit of drama revolving around these nerdy characters then the real truth about this stuff wont worry you at all and you can just take it at face value. But if like me you were interested in this story before the doco came out, and I like to think that when Im seeing a doco Im getting a realistic view of what happened- especially with regards to one of the central themes of the film... errr then these discrepancies will bother you a bit.

If your interested about this stuff then there is an interesting statement from Twin Galaxies in their forums regarding this film.

Still a great film though. How awesome is that "Your The Best" song montage bit? Pure awesome!

Mighty Warrior Of Metal

Jul 18, 2008 at 5:57:55 PM
8bitking (16)
(Greg Kittle) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 349 - Joined: 06/05/2008
I understand now, I figured that the doco was somewhat bias, as with all any medium produced to show "actual events". Nevertheless, both of these men are Superb gamers, and could both kick my ass in donkey kong any day of the week (I think I would give em' a run for their money in Battletoads though!)

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Jul 20, 2008 at 5:18:59 PM
mcat999 (35)
< Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2237 - Joined: 08/18/2007
This is like the what, 5th thread about this movie on this forum lol

http:// - Playing classic games in high quality RGB Scart and Component

Jul 20, 2008 at 7:20:40 PM
arch_8ngel (68)
(Nathan ?) < Mario >
Posts: 35271 - Joined: 06/12/2007
Just watched it last night. It's a great movie, and obviously Billy is upset about how he's portrayed, but he doesn't seem to do much to endear himself to the audience. As far as Billy and Steve not getting to talk...I thought Billy's comment when he walked past Steve was absolutely uncalled for. Also, not showing up to play in your hometown is WIMPY.


Jul 20, 2008 at 8:20:20 PM
dangevin (219)
(Dan Langevin) < Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 12131 - Joined: 08/17/2006
Originally posted by: Chad Burger

 I also find it quite interesting that the more reading I do around this film the more and more it comes up that hes not such a bad guy and is actually very well liked in the gaming and business circles in which he moves. Obviously this does not make up for his anti-social/snotty behaviour in the film as far as Im concerned as it really does make him look like a fool.

Yes, I think NA is further proof that no matter how someone acts, gamers are always willing for forgive and accept.


Jul 20, 2008 at 11:50:49 PM
Psycho Gorilla (0)
(Saiko Grilla) < Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 26 - Joined: 03/05/2008
United States
Originally posted by: NESJohnny

I just watched a lot of the special features. They were great!

DK score now up to 72500. Uh-oh, I hope I'm not getting the bug

I've had the bug for years, culminating in my behavior documented in one of my PlayTheNES threads involved buying the damn machine.  I say "damn" machine because it really is damned.  There's something unholy about the game itself with its ultra-hard yet ultra-addictive gameplay.  My top score so far is 454100, and I've come close to surpassing it several times, but constant focus is a must, and I just haven't been able to keep it going that long again.  This past weekend I got just over 350000 with three lives to spare, then lost all three in the span of one stage (springs on loop 10).  You better believe there was swearing involved.

Jul 21, 2008 at 9:16:33 AM
Chad Burger (4)
(Chad Burger) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 432 - Joined: 05/14/2008
Originally posted by: dangevin

Originally posted by: Chad Burger

 I also find it quite interesting that the more reading I do around this film the more and more it comes up that hes not such a bad guy and is actually very well liked in the gaming and business circles in which he moves. Obviously this does not make up for his anti-social/snotty behaviour in the film as far as Im concerned as it really does make him look like a fool.

Yes, I think NA is further proof that no matter how someone acts, gamers are always willing for forgive and accept.

oh shit I seem to be coming across like a Billy defender which was not my intention at all... a lot of people seem to think that Billy has a fairly socio-pathic personality which is also my take on his behaviour. I am a mental health nurse and work in the largest psych hospital in my city as well, for what ever thats worth. Sociopaths can typically be charming, calculated, smooth talking people and very nice to be around when things are going their way. Their personality traits also can be useful in being successful business people due to their willingness to be ruthless with business decisions. But when things are not going their way they can be fuckers to be around and they are typically very devious and focused on getting things going in their own direction ....all of these things would seem to fit Billys behaviour in my opinion.

Now I think about it, I think the reason I am so interested in getting to know what actually happened vs the films cut and what it seems to imply about their behaviour is I wanted to see if my theory about Billys personality was on the money. Even though I think the film was cut to make his behaviour look more openly hostile then it perhaps was, I still think it was considered and devious and when he felt threatened by Steve, Billy resorted to cheap shots to put him off. 

Incidently I was on Twin Galaxies the other night and it would appear Billy is once again beating Steve at Donkey Kong. Once again Id suggest anyone who is interested in this story (or the films cut vs what actually happened) then they should have a dig on Twin Galaxies forums as I find it all very fascinating from a video game and a character study angle.

Mighty Warrior Of Metal

Jul 21, 2008 at 9:34:10 AM
dangevin (219)
(Dan Langevin) < Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 12131 - Joined: 08/17/2006
I wasn't really making that comment towards you but I understand what you're saying and I only thought you were playing devil's advocate. I'm just saying gamers in general perhaps understand certain hyper-competitive behaviour patterns and are able to tolerate and forgive those patterns.

I've said elsewhere that I've seen his personality type all throughout the competitive Magic: The Gathering world. A bunch of middle-of-the-pack males trying to overcompensate and act like the Alpha Dog. Problem is, the real Alpha Dogs don't play Magic: The Gathering. I've met very few natural leaders that played competitive Magic, many of them are just dorks with an inferiority complex. Some are just plain ninnies. Some are truly trying to make a job of it, which really embitters them. But almost invariably, they're no fun.

I get the impression that while Billy is no fun in the Video Gaming world, he's a nice guy to his family and friends who neither compete with him for his Barbeque Sauce market share, nor his Twin Galaxies scores. Hell, I had great fun going out to drink with some of the guys I met playing Magic. But sitting across the table from them, it was just painful.


Jul 21, 2008 at 9:48:45 AM
Chad Burger (4)
(Chad Burger) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 432 - Joined: 05/14/2008
Originally posted by: arch_8ngel

Just watched it last night. It's a great movie, and obviously Billy is upset about how he's portrayed, but he doesn't seem to do much to endear himself to the audience. As far as Billy and Steve not getting to talk...I thought Billy's comment when he walked past Steve was absolutely uncalled for. Also, not showing up to play in your hometown is WIMPY.

arch_8ngel had you read some place that Billy was upset about the film? Id be interested to read that as I was of the understanding he had not commented but has just been enjoying the attention.

I also think the comment was uncalled for. Some people seem to think that that little sequence of events where Billy makes that comment was edited to make Billy come off meaner (once again check out the shit hitting the fan at Twin Galaxies forums)  so I really want to pay close attention to this scene when I watch it again to see if I can see whats going on there.

And lastly I also thought Billy was a fool for making a point about saying the only way to compete was live then not showing up. Theres no excuse for that.

Mighty Warrior Of Metal

Jul 21, 2008 at 10:06:50 AM
Chad Burger (4)
(Chad Burger) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 432 - Joined: 05/14/2008
Originally posted by: dangevin

I wasn't really making that comment towards you but I understand what you're saying and I only thought you were playing devil's advocate. I'm just saying gamers in general perhaps understand certain hyper-competitive behaviour patterns and are able to tolerate and forgive those patterns.

oh yeah you get me, it seems we are on the same wavelength here. I agree with everything you said.

Good call about the competitive behaviour thing and gamers being able to tolerate it a little more then most... as I work with some of these types i tend to look on this behaviour a little dispassionately (like a science experiment sometimes) and sometimes I forget just how annoying/ frustrating it can be to tangle with these people.

Mighty Warrior Of Metal

Jul 21, 2008 at 10:14:30 AM
arch_8ngel (68)
(Nathan ?) < Mario >
Posts: 35271 - Joined: 06/12/2007
The stuff about Billy being upset is directly from the DVD extras. His best friend (who's name eludes me) said in his interview that Billy was REALLY upset about how he was portrayed.

I agree that Billy might be a borderline sociopath.
Also, my wife made the astute observation that Steve probably has Asperger's (highly functional autism).

I think at this point, with two scores > 1M points and within 3000 points of each other, it is just luck as to who is able to have a couple points more than the other guy. I think it's bullshit that they didn't accept Steve's original tape, and then put him through the Crucible to prove himself to them. And I would have to see A LOT of evidence to the contrary to not believe that Steve is the better man.


Jul 21, 2008 at 11:05:53 AM
Chad Burger (4)
(Chad Burger) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 432 - Joined: 05/14/2008
oh on the dvd? thanks for the heads up ill have to have another look when I get my hands on a copy thats really quite interesting. Good call to your wife as well I thought that also. What a pair of interesting characters- a really big reason I find this interesting.

Twin Galaxies have admitted regretting the shit they put Steve through, I think its in the statement on their forums. The reasons being the ongoing fued between Mr Awesome (snigger!) and TG and Steve sort of walking in blind to the situation and being guilty by association after accepting Awesomes assistance without knowing the history. Either way it was not fair on Steve by a long shot. But that Mr Awesome tangent was another great part of this story... its just too entertaining for me.

Yeah it seems now just down to who can milk it the most for points before the kill screen now. Am I right in assuming that both Steves and Billys current high scores were submitted via video tape and not live? I think I read that on TG..

Mighty Warrior Of Metal

Jul 21, 2008 at 12:58:24 PM
NickyP (0)
(Nicky P) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 655 - Joined: 10/15/2007
One of steves was live. Was when he finaly showed up at the arcade to prove it hehe and then they publicaly apologized to him and stuff for not believing him hehe. I'm pretty sure they made both players out to look more entertaining than they really are for the movies sake. That's part of what makes the movie funny.

"If someone says you're ugly, tell them you're not an ugly human but a good looking ape with advanced speech skills."

Jul 21, 2008 at 1:39:01 PM
arch_8ngel (68)
(Nathan ?) < Mario >
Posts: 35271 - Joined: 06/12/2007
That's correct. the current high scores were video submissions. They actually recap those scores on the DVD extras as well.

Also, the have the Mr Awesome spot as an extra. It is ABSURD. That guy is the epitomy of the early 80's vidiot who got picked on and buffed out in retaliation...then got a spot in Playgirl to pick up some ass. It's hilarious.


Jul 22, 2008 at 8:16:23 AM
Chad Burger (4)
(Chad Burger) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 432 - Joined: 05/14/2008
I want to get a hold of that comic hes doing just our of pure morbid curiosity. But Im not too sure if encouraging that sort of thing is a good idea or not.

Mighty Warrior Of Metal

Jul 22, 2008 at 8:21:45 AM
Chad Burger (4)
(Chad Burger) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 432 - Joined: 05/14/2008

for those of you who cant get enough Mr Awesome (me included) then cop this:

whatever happens, please dont get chumpatized!

Mighty Warrior Of Metal

Aug 1, 2008 at 8:46:04 AM
Chad Burger (4)
(Chad Burger) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 432 - Joined: 05/14/2008
I just cant leave this topic alone!

I know that we get Retro Gamer mag a lot later here in Australia then the rest of the world but we just got the one with the gold zelda cover (issue 50 or 51 i think) it has a review of this film that really nailed it for me (perhaps I liked it cos it agreed with my view!!ha)

Mighty Warrior Of Metal