Originally posted by: Balloon_Kid
I think I figured out how to roll over the score in this game, now I just have to do a better job at not dying. I lost a life at the end of Stage 3-1 because I'd mess up on hitting the re spawning eagle. Worst enemy to press for points IMO.
As I see it, the best way to get a high score this week is to not even worry about Stage 6-2 and 6-3. There's two VERY lucrative spots I've noticed in this game where you can time out all your lives and rake in the big points.
EDIT: And I forgot about the not playing your last life rule, so scratch posting a picture of this run... SMH
Without 6-1 and 6-2, you won't score over a million, and even at one of the best grind spot with 5 lives remaining, you'll cap out at 1.2 million, and that's in 6-2.
For comparison, these are my scores at the end of each area:
1-1: 35,000 to 36,000
2-1: (starting off) 57,000 to 61,000
Starting 2-2: 91,000
Starting 3-1: 150,000 to 160,000
Starting 3-3: 210,000 to 215,000
Starting 5-1 (I forget what stage for nets me): 430,000 to 450,000
Starting 5-3: 515,000
Starting 6-1: 650,000
From here, there's 3 grind spots that will net you between 75,000 and 125,000, and 2 spots that will net you over 30,000 each. Figure around 350,000 to 400,000 per loop per life. Stage 6 is a must grindfest.