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Elbobelo joins It's me joining another nes forum

Apr 11, 2009 at 5:53:51 PM
elbobelo (0)
< Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 44 - Joined: 04/11/2009
Hi all, I am elbobelo a resident NES fan.  I found this site through Lost Levels and had to join since the release of the new Mike Tyson game.

My nes focus right now is on an 8-eyes hack I'm working on.

I'm turning it into a Castlevania engine and am planning on releasing another version this month.

Welll I'll be seeing you around.

Apr 11, 2009 at 6:49:02 PM
dangevin (219)
(Dan Langevin) < Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 12131 - Joined: 08/17/2006
cool idea, the animated GIFs look good. I don't have the 8Eyes ROM though so I'll have to pass on playing it (I don't keep any ROMs, so thanks to those who might offer, but I'll pass).

Welcome and hope to see you 'round!


Apr 11, 2009 at 6:51:09 PM
Miss Clawful (19)
(Megan Roberts) < Ridley Wrangler >
Posts: 2622 - Joined: 09/25/2008
North Carolina
Huh, you're working on an 8 Eyes Castlevania hack too, how interesting, I've had this project in the works for several years now. Well, at least ours aren't the same. And well, at least it looks like your's is going to get finished, all I had were graphics changes to many of the characters, never did finish changing Orin to the guy that I wanted him to be due to complications with the sprite's tiles. And welcome.

Also, after reading all the posts in that topic, I see you originally had the same thought of putting Alucard in place of Orin as I was working on, Alucard using a sword just like in Symphony of the Night, and having the Bat familiar in place of Cutrus, but of coarse my plan was to keep Alucard still looking like the classic Castlevania III sprites.

Anyway, looks like your game has major potential, just make sure that its complete in every way before releasing it, I'd certainly look forward to playing the final product.


Edited: 04/11/2009 at 07:14 PM by Miss Clawful

Apr 11, 2009 at 9:16:35 PM
elbobelo (0)
< Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 44 - Joined: 04/11/2009
Originally posted by: Miss Clawful
Anyway, looks like your game has major potential, just make sure that its complete in every way before releasing it, I'd certainly look forward to playing the final product.

Yes I had the same idea about using the origianl castlevania 3 sprites of Alucard.  After I complete the engine I was going to maybe make several games, so Alucard is still an option. 

I am into releasing the game in stages.  Every hack I release is a completely playable version with new features. 

However once I start seriously changing the enemies and editing levels I won't release the game until it is finished.

Is it possible for me to play your hack?

Edited: 04/11/2009 at 09:16 PM by elbobelo

Apr 11, 2009 at 10:02:59 PM
pats1717 (894)
< Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 12295 - Joined: 10/28/2008
United States
Welcome to the site!

Apr 11, 2009 at 10:14:25 PM
Miss Clawful (19)
(Megan Roberts) < Ridley Wrangler >
Posts: 2622 - Joined: 09/25/2008
North Carolina
No, because its a mess and far from finished, and well, I don't know a thing about the programming part of the hacking, just editing the graphics, so I've been at a stand-still for some time. Mostly, well I have all of the bosses done, and over half of the enemies, though whenever I decide to get back to it I'm sure there'll be a lot of updating to do with the graphics, such is the case with my earliest boss sprites, some of them have changed since then. Oh, here's an idea of what I have for bosses, there's still a few things that need working on, such as the Grim Reaper's hood so that its not broken in some frames, also, Igor has been through a lot of changes since my first one shown here, and Frankenstein ultimately was going to throw electrical orbs at you instead of cards. Also I had conflicts on whether to use Cyclops in place of the Africa boss, or a giant Axe Knight (not shown).


Apr 11, 2009 at 11:08:05 PM
Penguin (239)
(Justin AKA Penguin) < Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 10638 - Joined: 05/06/2007
Welcome to NintendoAge!

Looking for Black cartridge Color Dreams games, last 3 I need:  Metal Fighter, Moon Ranger, Baby Boomer.  Please contact me if you have any of these!


Apr 11, 2009 at 11:38:33 PM
elbobelo (0)
< Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 44 - Joined: 04/11/2009
Wow that is amazing work, it's funny how we've worked on 2 different halves of the game.  I've worked mainly on the programming and have done little work on the graphics.  I will send you my next patch release and you could probably swap all your graphics into it and have an amazing game. 

My next release will have a random item generator and 7 subweapons.

Apr 12, 2009 at 1:21:19 AM
Miss Clawful (19)
(Megan Roberts) < Ridley Wrangler >
Posts: 2622 - Joined: 09/25/2008
North Carolina
Was just trying out what you've done with your hack so far, from the patch that you provided on that other site. Nice, like that it really feels like this could be a Castlevania game, at least as far as control and weapons are concerned, but all the challenge has been taken out of it, the bird is for the most part completely unnecessary as all enemies can be hurt by Simon. You see, what made 8 Eyes really stand out, the necessity of teamwork, forcing a new kind of challenge upon the player which was for the most part absent from other games. Its a good start, but as a serious gamer, and my love for both the Castlevania games as well as 8 Eyes, this has got to be tougher than what it is, I was kicking ass through a few levels without needing to try, and using a keyboard, that's pretty bad. And the bosses, because of such weapons as the axe, boomerang and especially the holy water, there's not much fight there. I think this is going to be the biggest obstacle of this project, trying to maintain a balanced difficulty level. Personally, I wouldn't change too much from the 8 Eyes gameplay, some things are there for lack of other things, such as being that while most foes can be defeated by Orin, some can only be defeated by Cutrus, while unlike the Castlevania series, there's no bottomless pits, its all a balancing act. But then maybe you're thinking of changing the stage layouts completely to balance things out between using Simon, and having to use the familiar. My problem is that somehow it makes me think of Symphony of the Night, which while a decent game in its own right, the game threw too much in there to aid the player, and the balance of the difficulty was thrown off. I wouldn't mind providing the graphics for this, but I want to make sure that things are heading in the right direction where I'd feel proud to be a part of it, meaning, I'd have to really enjoy playing this game.


Apr 12, 2009 at 2:29:18 AM
elbobelo (0)
< Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 44 - Joined: 04/11/2009
I also enjoyed the unique game style of 8eyes, but if you want that than there is always 8-eyes.

I am creating a whole new Castlevania game and you expect the main character to play and control like Simon. It's true that now it's just Simon ripping through the 8-eyes game, but once I start working on other aspects of the game besides controls, (stage puzzles, enemies, bosses) the difficulty will increase tremendously.

But right now it's 8-eyes still with a bad-ass character, and it's up to you if you want to hack the graphics, I wouldn't mind seeing how it would look, I bet it would look awesome.

As far as being part of a worthy 8-eyes project, I believe I am the only person who has reverse engineered 8-eyes to this extent, and you should expect an amazing product. Most likely when the game is fully converted, these bosses may change anyway.

Apr 12, 2009 at 3:33:33 AM
Miss Clawful (19)
(Megan Roberts) < Ridley Wrangler >
Posts: 2622 - Joined: 09/25/2008
North Carolina
Sounds like you have a master plan. My project ain't going anywhere, probably never will, so why not, I'll see what I can do to help out.

Give me some time, I'll open up the rom when I get a chance and see about adding in my bosses. At least it'll spice up the look of the game, really get everyone hyped and looking forward to playing it even more. But I still have to make up my mind about a few things, as well as try to fix some things that I'd mentioned earlier as well.

If you do like them and decide to use my sprites, I will be credited for it right?


Apr 12, 2009 at 8:14:01 AM
superNESman (102)
(Deniz "Alpo The Great" Kahn) < Bowser >
Posts: 5503 - Joined: 07/04/2008
Welcome to the site Patrick! You have a nice little project going too.



Apr 12, 2009 at 10:05:03 AM
stoutguru (46)
(John Hicks) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1892 - Joined: 11/02/2008
Welcome to the site


Apr 12, 2009 at 11:22:34 AM
themotherbrain (93)
(> ROB <) < King Solomon >
Posts: 4200 - Joined: 06/14/2008
New York
Nice to have another programmer type around. Good luck with your project. Welcome to NA.


No Ninja Rap = No Thanks. 

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Apr 12, 2009 at 3:17:24 PM
sunsetflip84 (0)
(Will Cartier) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 736 - Joined: 10/21/2007
Welcome aboard.


"So it is written. So let it be played!"
Check out my youtube gaming channel! Keep up to date on all of my shenanigans!

Apr 12, 2009 at 7:07:55 PM
wrldstrman (107)
(doug prickett) < Master Higgins >
Posts: 8001 - Joined: 08/18/2006
West Virginia

Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.

Apr 13, 2009 at 12:13:18 AM
elbobelo (0)
< Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 44 - Joined: 04/11/2009
Originally posted by: Miss Clawful

Sounds like you have a master plan. My project ain't going anywhere, probably never will, so why not, I'll see what I can do to help out.

Give me some time, I'll open up the rom when I get a chance and see about adding in my bosses. At least it'll spice up the look of the game, really get everyone hyped and looking forward to playing it even more. But I still have to make up my mind about a few things, as well as try to fix some things that I'd mentioned earlier as well.

If you do like them and decide to use my sprites, I will be credited for it right?

Before you start editing, download the new version I attatched here instead of the one you're playing. 

So far I've done practically no enemy sprite editing, so if you want you're free to edit any graphics, even the main player.  If I keep any of your graphics I will credit you wherever I am credited in the main title.

Edited: 04/14/2009 at 05:44 PM by elbobelo

Apr 13, 2009 at 12:38:17 AM
Miss Clawful (19)
(Megan Roberts) < Ridley Wrangler >
Posts: 2622 - Joined: 09/25/2008
North Carolina
That download didn't work for me, dead link or something. It doesn't matter, I don't understand these patch things anyway, finally figured out when I had played the version that I did on how to attach it to the rom, but have no idea how to make one, nor how to edit such, as I work in Tile Molester when doing the graphics and it don't seem to read patches the same as it does regular rom tiles. Still going through fixing some animations and details on the bosses that weren't quite perfect anyway, so it'll be a bit.

Hey, if say any enemies that I do, take up say one tile more than what their original donor sprite consists of, do you have the knowledge necessary to  make adjustments, and give them the extra space needed, for instance my Grim Reaper in some frames his hood is broken due to Nari Tanotos' shortage of tiles in that space. Also if I opt to do the axe knight instead of the Cyclops in place of King Amin, going to have problem fitting his shield in there, and if I do him, the shield is a must to complete his look. Basically, make a sprite bigger so long as we have something not being used that we could used towards this. I hope you understand what I mean about what I'm asking, I don't know the technical jargon for any of this, so I explained it the best I could.?


Apr 13, 2009 at 8:39:58 AM
Kooonsty (18)
(Joe K) < El Ripper >
Posts: 1237 - Joined: 01/08/2008
Welcome, I will have to download it when I get the chance.

Apr 13, 2009 at 3:22:06 PM
elbobelo (0)
< Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 44 - Joined: 04/11/2009
Originally posted by: Miss Clawful

That download didn't work for me, dead link or something. It doesn't matter, I don't understand these patch things anyway, finally figured out when I had played the version that I did on how to attach it to the rom, but have no idea how to make one, nor how to edit such, as I work in Tile Molester when doing the graphics and it don't seem to read patches the same as it does regular rom tiles. Still going through fixing some animations and details on the bosses that weren't quite perfect anyway, so it'll be a bit.

Hey, if say any enemies that I do, take up say one tile more than what their original donor sprite consists of, do you have the knowledge necessary to  make adjustments, and give them the extra space needed, for instance my Grim Reaper in some frames his hood is broken due to Nari Tanotos' shortage of tiles in that space. Also if I opt to do the axe knight instead of the Cyclops in place of King Amin, going to have problem fitting his shield in there, and if I do him, the shield is a must to complete his look. Basically, make a sprite bigger so long as we have something not being used that we could used towards this. I hope you understand what I mean about what I'm asking, I don't know the technical jargon for any of this, so I explained it the best I could.?

To download it right click and do 'Save link as' then save the .ips file.  After you've downloaded it, you want to patch it onto an '8-eyes (U).nes' rom.  Once you have this patched rom, you should be able to edit the graphics in tile molester.  Trust me you want to try this version, it's much better.

I do have the ability to edit sprites how your saying, however inorder to change the size of the sprite (like I would for axe armor) I would have to erase all boos sprite information and rewrite it, I don't have the time to do that right now.  However for Death I can fix the empty tile, as long as the tile doesn't go beyond the Height or Width of the sprite.  If the tile is within the rectactgle of height and width, I can replace it no problem.

Apr 13, 2009 at 4:37:15 PM
Miss Clawful (19)
(Megan Roberts) < Ridley Wrangler >
Posts: 2622 - Joined: 09/25/2008
North Carolina
Spent nearly an hour trying to figure out what I was doing wrong with this patch, but I couldn't get it to work at all, FCEU does automatic temporary patching and while it did do it for the first one that I downloaded, not this one, so I downloaded a program ISPWin, didn't work, said the patch was invalid. Not going to mess with this no more, unnecessary frustration. But I'll continue to try to work with what I have for graphics, if I do succeed in what I'm looking to do with them I'll post them as an image in such a way where they can easily be copied and pasted into the rom.


Apr 13, 2009 at 4:53:35 PM
arch_8ngel (68)
(Nathan ?) < Mario >
Posts: 35271 - Joined: 06/12/2007
Welcome to the site. It's nice to see some love for "8 eyes". The execution wasn't fantastic, but I really like what the game was trying to do.


Apr 13, 2009 at 4:58:12 PM
elbobelo (0)
< Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 44 - Joined: 04/11/2009
Originally posted by: Miss Clawful

Spent nearly an hour trying to figure out what I was doing wrong with this patch, but I couldn't get it to work at all, FCEU does automatic temporary patching and while it did do it for the first one that I downloaded, not this one, so I downloaded a program ISPWin, didn't work, said the patch was invalid. Not going to mess with this no more, unnecessary frustration. But I'll continue to try to work with what I have for graphics, if I do succeed in what I'm looking to do with them I'll post them as an image in such a way where they can easily be copied and pasted into the rom.

sorry about that, check your messages.  Thanks for supporting this project.

Apr 13, 2009 at 5:54:10 PM
Xed (67)
(Sjoerd Rutten) < King Solomon >
Posts: 3040 - Joined: 05/30/2008

"When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up" - C.S. Lewis

aka XtinctHeD and Dr. Retro

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Apr 13, 2009 at 6:03:15 PM
Miss Clawful (19)
(Megan Roberts) < Ridley Wrangler >
Posts: 2622 - Joined: 09/25/2008
North Carolina
Okay, now that is awesome! So, are you're putting Simon's shield in place of having a winged ally? Love the shield, works just like Castlevania II that when you're sitting still it blocks shots, but also even more, it damages enemies, nice, perfect way to defend yourself against medusa heads and such, made fighting the Egypt boss, Nari Tanotos more fair since of all bosses he's by far the hardest one. I only played 2 stages so far, Spain and Egypt. I noticed how you picked the same enemies that I did for some of the regular enemy replacements, I'll have to explore the rest of the stages later. Still working on the bosses, trying to revise them to make them fit within the tiles as much as possible so that barely any editing would have to be done, some bosses have been ready for a while, but I'd like them all to be complete before inserting them into the game.

Curious, any ideas of what you want of the final boss? Because what you seen some posts above in that image, those were all of my ideas for bosses, and with Ruth having a whip I went straight for an evil Simon Belmont, only because of my lack of technical knowledge, it made the most sense. What's the story behind this game? What I have so far:

Skull Knight King in Arabia (finished-lots of sword techniques and throws daggers)
Dhuron in Spain (finished-various fencing slashes, perfect choice)
Frank & Igor in Italy (not finished-Igor is set, all I have to do is give him a better looking jump frame, but Frank so far still only throws cards, but I've been thinking of something along the lines of throwing explosive vials and such like he does in Super Castlevania IV, he may take some work, I suppose you could change the behavior of the cards to make them act more like firebombs?)
Grim Reaper in Egypt (almost finished-there's a chance that I may be able to make an adjustment to his hood, but if not, its only one extra tile anyway that would have to be added, also the weapon he shoots out will need to be bigger, as it those magic shots that Tanotos shoots only take up one tile each, we'll need a 2x2 tile so that Death can throw his classic sickles)
Akmodan in Germany (finished I guess-not much to this boss, he looks okay, but still could probably use better details, but he throws wrappings at you as those mummies always do)
Medusa in India (finished-disappears and reappears, tosses out snakes that are curled in a hoop, I like her, but perhaps there could be some added behavioral adjustments to the snakes that she tosses?)
Axe Knight Lord in Africa (not finished-currently working on, I think I managed to get the shield to fit, but still the double-bladed axe in one frame will need an extra tile, the Cyclops was a cool choice, but didn't look right the way he used his hammer, plus my detailing on him was kind of sloppy, so I think I'm going to go with the Axe Knight; King Amin so far has been the only one where I've had conflicts of whom to put in his place, I like them both, been torn between this since I started this project)

Also, one of the regular enemies in Egypt, the big green one with the horn on its head, this guy is going to be a werewolf, but I have lots of revising to do with him, trying to get everything to fit as well as giving him extra animation, he's been one of my most worked on ones aside from Igor, having a tough time with him but when he's done he should be great.


Edited: 04/13/2009 at 06:06 PM by Miss Clawful