I agree with skinny. Of course, he's probably just playing us and will sweep in with a 1000% increase later on, but I mean it. Defender isn't a shooter/shmup, or at least not a typical one. Source: I don't like shooters and I love Defender! Sure, you're literally shooting stuff, but there's a freedom to roam that you don't see in other shooters. Although the comparison to Kung Fu is apt, in that both have a set of rules that is simpler to understand than to explain concisely.
This was my first version of Defender, via emulation in 2003. I was very impressed with the sound and graphics, which, as primitive as they seem at first, also hold more information and cues than the surface indicates. This is the best port, IMO. Maybe because all the other ports are on 2nd gen hardware. Although nothing compares to the arcade cabinet once you get used to the controls, which are more like a flight sim with combat thrown in.
Edited: 06/13/2017
at 02:26 PM
by gunpei