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A new idea ?

Jan 28, 2011 at 12:37:44 PM
Derek (57)
(Derek S) < Little Mac >
Posts: 98 - Joined: 01/24/2011

Not sure if this exist on this page but I haven't noticed anything of this nature in my short time here.

Would it be possible to have somewhere in the profile (either sig or avatar) where it displays which countries people are willing to deal with ? I always find myself browsing list and not being sure if they ship to Canada. Instead of sending out a bunch of questions whether you will ship why not have it in the profile ?

Say something like the location flag in the small profile everytime you post, why not have say a $ and have the flags of the countries you are willing to deal with. It wouldn't have to be rediculous, lets just say a USA flag, a CDN flag and a GLOBE if you are willing to ship world wide.

Let me know if I'm missing this here already...

Cherry Coke.

Jan 28, 2011 at 12:42:26 PM
NESHomebrew (21)
(Brad Bateman - Strange Brew Games) < King Solomon >
Posts: 4264 - Joined: 04/28/2008
The problem with that is some people "prefer" not to ship to Canada, but wouldn't hesitate to deal with some of us Canadians that have a good reputation on the site. Besides, if you deal with CIB or sealed a lot of people refuse to sell to Canada because customs quite regularly open up packages and damage them.