I have a gift for all you NAers. Credit goes to Maurice of FacePunch. I wanted a program that could copy and rename a blank .srm called SAV.srm and make renamed copies for every .sfc and .smc file in the folder. The only problem is that the program only works if it is used in the folder c:\test. The .srm must also be called SAV.srm. I've used it myself for a batch of roughly 100 games and it worked perfectly. I'm sure some of you will appreciate this, even if it is quite limited with its options.
Basically, to use it, make a folder called 'test' in your C drive. Then put all the ROMs you want .srm files for into the folder, as well as the programs. Then put the blank .srm file from RetroUSB into the folder and name it SAV.srm. Then just run the programs once to get all your .srm files, depending on if your ROMs are .smc, .sfc or both. The two programs can be found here: