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Ended Large Flat Rate Mystery Box []ended]


Mar 12 at 1:02:06 PM
LastCat (73)
(Top Cat) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1553 - Joined: 08/12/2015
Puerto Rico
Hello, I am selling off a box full of good games for various systems. You will get very good games ranging from Sega Saturn to Neo Geo CD, NES titles, Super Famicom, Nintendo 64, etc. There are a few rare titles worth some money and can be yours, auction price starts at $120 and BIN price is $170 (both prices are shipped. Estimated value of box is $230. There are no junk titles, no fillers, no sports and there are games from US and JP region, all of them are in great condition and tested as well. If you have any questions please post or PM me.

Edited: 03/16/2019 at 11:38 PM by LastCat

Mar 12 at 4:34:00 PM
aquaticiguana (4)
< Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 28 - Joined: 04/20/2018
In for 120, and I think you're missing your end date.

edit: i dumb

Edited: 03/12/2019 at 05:06 PM by aquaticiguana

Mar 12 at 5:00:49 PM
MuNKeY (151)
< Master Higgins >
Posts: 8975 - Joined: 07/02/2011
Originally posted by: aquaticiguana

In for 120, and I think you're missing your end date.

It is in the title. "16th March 10PM NA time"

Free Bump  

I can also say to anyone who's on the fence with these boxes LC really does a bang up job packing and you will be amazed what all he can fit into a flat rate.  Always good stuff too especally if your into imports as I have BIN'd several in the past and have never been disappointed. 

Wisdom comes from experience. Experience is often a result of lack of wisdom.