Originally posted by: MrMiniMog
I guess what I am not understanding is why it was labeled as incompatible, or who did it even. I can understand if the mapper is just not supported, but I was under the impression that all of these games were already tested and found to be unplayable. Not just listed because there because it might not work.
Star Tropics is listed as incompatible because of the mapper, but it starts up and plays just fine. Granted I only played it for about 2mins...which is why I am wondering if there are more specific details as to WHY its incompatible. Do I have to play it for 40mins to get to a part that causes the game to crash? It's hard to try and make a game work when I don't know why its not working.
Now for Super Cars it seems that the problem was a bad header, which is a real simple fix and shouldn't have been wrong to begin with (is every Super Car ROM out there messed up???). Did no one else actually LOOK into why these games were not working? The answer has to be no, because it takes about 5 secs to discover what the problem with Super Cars was.
Never used NEStopia, but FCEUX has message log that displays ROM data and any errors. I went through all of the licensed ROMs myself the other day and found a few that had header errors, Super Cars was one of them. Others were:
AD&D Heros of the Lance - Was set to not use a battery
Caesars Palace - Mapper or mirroring error
Classic Concentration - Mapper error I think
Punch-Out!! - Mapper I think
Karnov - Mapper (game still doesn't work though)
Low G Man - Still dont know whats wrong, but it gives a weird error
Low-G-Man can not work normally in the iNES format.
This game has been recognized by its CRC32 value, and the appropriate changes will be made so it will run.
If you wish to hack this game, you should use the UNIF format for your hack.
Hah, I don't know why I put Startropics there... maybe my ROM was a bad one, or I just messed up. As I told you, I tried them one by one 'till gameplay. I guess I need to try again those "incompatible" games, the new Cheetahmen 2 ROM I have works (still damn unplayable though)!