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Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee Nintendo Switch shiny & rare combo guide (hard to find tips) Shiny and rare odds max out at a combo of 31

Dec 8, 2018 at 11:35:12 PM
yukfou (107)
(Great Dragon) < King Solomon >
Posts: 3134 - Joined: 03/06/2013
So serebii already has a good combo guide for shiny and rare Pokemon, HOWEVER, there is some information I've gathered that doesn't seem too easy to find.

I'll put serebiis info, and the link at the bottom. All credit goes to them. Basically you want a combo of 31 to max out your odds of finding a shiny or rare Pokemon. A combo is simply when you catch the same Pokemon in a row without it running away from you. And a shiny Pokemon is a Pokemon that's a different color than normal.

When you get to a combo of 31 or higher, you have the best odds of finding a shiny or rare pokemon.

Here's useful info that is hard to find on the internet. NOTE: I already have 4 shiny Pokemon so I know this is true.

1) When you are building up your combo, you CAN run away from the Pokemon you are comboing. Once you've built up a combo of 31, there's not much of a point to keep building it up. If you combo, say a Poliwag, and your combo is at 31, and a Poliwag runs into you, you CAN run from it without breaking your combo. You can run from any Pokemon. Your combo will NOT break.

2) The ONLY two ways your combo breaks are if the Pokemon you're trying to catch runs from you before you catch it OR if you catch a different Pokemon from the one you were comboing.

3) Other useful info is your odds of finding a shiny Pokemon increase for ALL Pokemon, not just the one you are comboing.

For example, I had a combo of 51 Poliwags, and I ended up finding a shiny Chansey. In fact, I haven't found a shiny for any of the Pokemon I was comboing for. I had a combo or 31 Vulpixs and found a shiny Abra. I also had a combo of 3 clefables and found a shiny Zubat. Finally, I had a combo of 2 psyducks and found a shiny Pidgeotto.

4) The last helpful tip is to build up a big combo of easy to catch Pokemon that don't move much. Then go to an area where you're trying to find rare Pokemon or a certain shiny Pokemon. Your combo will stay intact wherever you go, and your odds will increase for every Pokemon, not just the one you were comboing.


Here is serebiis stuff. Thank you guys for doing great work!

Catch Combo Shiny Rate Shiny Rate With Lure Shiny Rate with Shiny Charm Shiny Rate with Shiny Charm with Lure 0-10 1 in 4096 1 in 2048 1 in 1365.3 1 in 1024 11-20 1 in 1024 1 in 819.2 1 in 682.6 1 in 585.14 21-30 1 in 512 1 in 455.1 1 in 409.6 1 in 372.36 31+ 1 in 341.3 1 in 315.08 1 in 292.57 1 in 273.07

Catch Combo Increased Rare Spawn Chance 0 *1 1-5 *2 5-10 *3 11-20 *4 21-30 *5 31+ *6

My WTB thread

Edited: 12/15/2018 at 08:41 AM by yukfou