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NES Challenge Set Console Seria Range?

May 8, 2013 at 8:06:49 PM
A2600 (17)
(Letter Carrier) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 722 - Joined: 01/01/2011
I was a very late bloomer to the NES as my NES was purchased as a 1992 challenge set but it was purchased Summer 1994. What would be the apropriate Serial Range, I remember that the Nintendo logo in the bottom was the newer one and the 1800 number was in a red lable. Please Help

Ah, so you found the secret room, eh? Bask in the glory of a Mario Trilogy, a Pair of Zeldas and a Sextet of Megamans. Yes this is the little grey box that could and continues to do. What lies ahead is entirely up to you. YOU DECIDE