Originally posted by: guillavoie
Originally posted by: Bea_Iank
Score update, page 1.
Please, by Odin's beard, reinstate the no point racking rule and make me roll back to my previous score.
I point racked for over an hour and could keep on going if I didn't get bored of it. I don't want to have to spend 8 hours point racking this game.
I like this game. I don't want to stop liking it because of this.
The problem with the 'no point racking rule' is that it was too general considering the scoring system of the game. If there's a problem with hanging around a stage forever (in the sense that there's really no difficulty in doing it), then we need to address this specifically. Is it really easy to do or are you just too good at it?
My concern is, if you can't point press by hanging in a stage, then what will determine the best run among those that can reach wave Z? Is it the player that is advancing the slowest in each wave cause he's less good at cruising through waves? If it is so, then the rule can ironically give an edge to the one bending it the most (out of his will maybe). At the least, with a stupid point pressing marathon, you know the one that got the highest score is the one sacrificing the most if his time.
So, we can either permit the point pressing marathon (for the few that will make it to wave Z), or make a rule based on the honor system : Don't hang in a wave to specifically point press casual enemies.
It is quite easy to hang around the end of the wave if you leave just one of those blue dots flying around and then focus on taking out the red squares and flying saucers that spawn.
Usually, you will have two enemies to deal with, including the blue dot, but at worst case scenario you will have 4 of them.
And you can see the enemies spawning a mile away and dodge them easily. The most difficult part is actually not shooting the blue dot by accident and ending the wave.
Without point pressing, the one who would win would likely be the player that manages to rescue more humans that were captured by aliens, as those are worth 1000 or 1500 points instead of the 900 points that you get from the remainng at the end of the stage.
And it is quite tough to rescue them without shooting them by accident.
Or maybe, if we are going to keep the point racking, drop the wave Z limitation. If we are going to marathon this, it is far more fun and dangerous to do so during the waves, so people could chose over keep going wave after wave or to point rack at the end of a wave.
Someone who decides to keep going will gather more points faster, but would take more risks than someone who decides to point rack at the end of a wave, so I feel it would be fair for both.