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My Sega Game Gear Lot special offer to NA members!

Jan 30, 2014 at 4:32:05 PM
Max Vador (25)
(Maxwell Vador) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 368 - Joined: 01/20/2014
Up for auction is a huge lot i got from goodwill. There's no reserve but there's a $90 BIN (Still cheaper than retail)

if any NA members BiN or have the winning bid, i'll comp half the shipping for you. :]

of the 12 game gears i've owned, this is the only blue one i've even seen in person, and the best working one to date. No shitty dark screen, volume works perfectly, and the unit isn't grimy or scratched to death. I didn't get it for a steal so i'm trying to at least make my money back, after that we'll see where it goes.

Happy bidding and if you win, just pm me here or on ebay and let me know so i can invoice updated shipping.