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Tanooki's Finds - My first lot since 2010, 1st SNES, 27 Games (MMX3, Zombies, King of Dragons, DKC1-3, SMW1+2, Zelda... Updated Aug 5/6th, 27 Game lot, system, 2 controllers, some gems

Oct 7, 2010 at 11:19:44 PM
Tanooki (185)
(The Wind Waker) < Bonk >
Posts: 17067 - Joined: 08/27/2010
This is the 'nice surprises' I said like 5 days ago for the SNES that I had incoming. $40shipped SNES 'Mini' with wires, pad and Tetris Attack. Then Civilization and Super Punchout were $10+ship a piece, though I had some Paypal credits so one of those was defacto 'free' and the other was $2 off. I also got off my lazy ass and got a security bit set (not shown) with the rest of my credits for 3.8 and 4.5mm so all those systems from NES->N64 and their carts can get a deep cleaning now.

Also noticed when consolidating my weekly 'I found this!' posts before making a thread some stuff got lost. About 3 weeks ago in the first image below for around $30 I got the Prince of Persia, Darkwing Duck, and the rest NES small lot. The week before that the larger stack you see of NES games below with Mega Man 6(which I got for $1!!!) and the rest set me back $20. And on the side I got that (pic 3) the NES Atlas for $3 and the games for more than I'd like to admit from a former friend and yeah it was a stupid loss too.

Hmm just noticed when I consolidated my lists of stuff a few items went missing.

Oct 10, 2010 at 11:01:34 PM
Tanooki (185)
(The Wind Waker) < Bonk >
Posts: 17067 - Joined: 08/27/2010

Edited: 01/09/2011 at 01:11 AM by Tanooki

Oct 11, 2010 at 5:03:34 PM
Derpy Hooves (0)
(Cody is now 20% cooler) < El Ripper >
Posts: 1242 - Joined: 07/28/2010
United States
Great finds, and by the way, isn't the 5-screw Raid on Bungeling Bay rare?


Oct 11, 2010 at 5:24:03 PM
Tanooki (185)
(The Wind Waker) < Bonk >
Posts: 17067 - Joined: 08/27/2010
To be honest I have no idea as I can't find that thread that listed all of them as I had been looking for it the last 2 weeks. Tried the search but it sucks as I tried variations and had no luck. I do know that Spy Hunter was like a 6 I think and I have that one.

Oct 11, 2010 at 7:13:34 PM
Enslaved (106)
(Edd Showalter) < Master Higgins >
Posts: 7579 - Joined: 06/14/2010
Originally posted by: Tanooki the end it averages to $4.80 a game (10 so $48) and while it's nothing rare obviously, I looked up the going rate on these and I did pretty well regardless had I tried here piecemeal or via ebay so I'm happy. I really was stunned to see my(not literally) old DBZ game and I also missed having Out of This World (pc game owned) around, oh and NBA Jam was a whim just because I like it but not $50-60 like it in HD. Most these I used to own for the most part, Monopoly I didn't and Jerryboy/Smartball I tried at a game shop ages ago and liked but never did get so better late than never. I just hope I can get the rest of the damn marker off it as it was all over and had like 10 stickers too. :\

I got some nice surprises coming during the week SNES based I'm happy with.

Wow, I have childhood memories playing Smart Ball.  Almost bought it at the Swap Shop a couple weeks ago.

Check out this really awesome WTB thread that I found, I heard this guy wants games at the cheapest rate possible!  Now on the look out for Unlicensed NES!

Oct 11, 2010 at 9:31:36 PM
Derpy Hooves (0)
(Cody is now 20% cooler) < El Ripper >
Posts: 1242 - Joined: 07/28/2010
United States
3 screw Raid on Bungeling Bay turns out to be the harder to find one, sorry man.


Oct 11, 2010 at 10:00:19 PM
technicalfoul (26)
(Dylan B-D) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1642 - Joined: 02/14/2010
For someone whose flea market gets attacked by resellers, you seem to do okay


Oct 11, 2010 at 10:05:24 PM
Tanooki (185)
(The Wind Waker) < Bonk >
Posts: 17067 - Joined: 08/27/2010
Like I said I went the other direction in that thread, and also much of what I found was in boxes or put out later on around 9 when some showed up later. I still wish I could have got that Contra but it went up to $20 because that dude I brought up and Wild Gunman was increased to 8 with a destroyed label. Woman told me they would have been 3 or 5 before that guy. I know you're just poking for fun but it still burns (not your comment, but the fallout.)  Also a few vendors said they wouldn't sell to the guy as they figured out what he was up to, so there were some honorable types there looking out for the gamer, not the shiller.

Edited: 10/11/2010 at 10:08 PM by Tanooki

Oct 16, 2010 at 3:43:04 AM
Tanooki (185)
(The Wind Waker) < Bonk >
Posts: 17067 - Joined: 08/27/2010
Found a lucky craigslist sale. The honest reason I went after it was entirely just for Bonk's Adventure because all of this at $50 was irresistible. Monster Party, Zoda's Revenge, Fester Quest, Bayou Billy, Time Lord and Bonk I'm keeping along with that Nintendo carry case, most the manuals and those sleeves. All the rest is going up for sale as I'm already backlogged with systems, and I got a larger pile of games to go with it too. I'm thinking 30game~ lot, 4 controllers, zapper, system, the other stuff pictured I said I'm not keeping and whatever else I can dig up.

Oct 17, 2010 at 4:57:50 PM
Tanooki (185)
(The Wind Waker) < Bonk >
Posts: 17067 - Joined: 08/27/2010

Edited: 01/09/2011 at 01:12 AM by Tanooki

Oct 17, 2010 at 8:22:55 PM
suicidalparrot (126)
(matt s) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1618 - Joined: 09/18/2010
Great finds this weekend! I'm jealous! I need to find another copy of Gyromite with the converter in it since I butchered my other one to make a honey bee style famicom converter out of it a few years back. I had a little bit of luck myself this weekend. I got a jungle green N64 with e memory expansion and a controller for 4.99 and a gamegear in a verrrry tattered box with sonic 2, ecco the dolphin, and bram stoker's dracula for 5.99. Both at separate Goodwills.

Oct 17, 2010 at 8:40:58 PM
Tanooki (185)
(The Wind Waker) < Bonk >
Posts: 17067 - Joined: 08/27/2010
That's exactly why I grabbed it as I don't even have a ROB. When the time comes I want to start finding famicom fun in my library I saw a nice mod of a gyromite cart where someone cut it across just below the dent for the label clean, then filed it off and buffed it smooth. Since the 60-72pin piece is bolted in with 2 screws it seems like a solid plan.

Oct 18, 2010 at 3:56:41 PM
MarioMania (10)
(Danny Scalero) < El Ripper >
Posts: 1051 - Joined: 10/04/2006
That's a nice deal on the Top Loader


Oct 18, 2010 at 4:11:05 PM
wrk (69)
(Adolf Oliver Bush) < King Solomon >
Posts: 3329 - Joined: 09/02/2009
Nice snag on the SK2! Been meaning to get a copy of that for a while now.



Oct 18, 2010 at 5:54:03 PM
Tanooki (185)
(The Wind Waker) < Bonk >
Posts: 17067 - Joined: 08/27/2010
Yeah just lucked into it, heard it's worth a bit of money too but I never did bother to look so I probably will once I'm done here on completed ebay auctions to get a feel.

Oct 18, 2010 at 7:03:09 PM
Enslaved (106)
(Edd Showalter) < Master Higgins >
Posts: 7579 - Joined: 06/14/2010
Some pretty good finds, but you payed $15 for Contra?

Check out this really awesome WTB thread that I found, I heard this guy wants games at the cheapest rate possible!  Now on the look out for Unlicensed NES!

Oct 18, 2010 at 7:19:34 PM
Tanooki (185)
(The Wind Waker) < Bonk >
Posts: 17067 - Joined: 08/27/2010
Yeah technically I did. I have not been able to find a good price on it and got sick and tired waiting as I want to play it. I've seen a couple pop up on here for like $10 but the shipping would bring it right up there again anyway so I didn't see the point since ePay was worse.

Oct 24, 2010 at 5:06:56 PM
Tanooki (185)
(The Wind Waker) < Bonk >
Posts: 17067 - Joined: 08/27/2010
Got a small haul for the day at $23 total...very pleased considering what the find was.

Oct 24, 2010 at 5:28:41 PM
Enslaved (106)
(Edd Showalter) < Master Higgins >
Posts: 7579 - Joined: 06/14/2010
Not bad, TMNT3 and Solomon's Key. Not sure what MGS for GBC is worth.

Check out this really awesome WTB thread that I found, I heard this guy wants games at the cheapest rate possible!  Now on the look out for Unlicensed NES!

Oct 24, 2010 at 5:43:19 PM
Tanooki (185)
(The Wind Waker) < Bonk >
Posts: 17067 - Joined: 08/27/2010
I had no idea when I grabbed it, but the game was just $5 and it and the battery worked. Because you asked I checked completed auctions off ebay and I think about $15 is average though some where less as idiots priced em low so they got snatched.

Oct 24, 2010 at 5:50:35 PM
Derpy Hooves (0)
(Cody is now 20% cooler) < El Ripper >
Posts: 1242 - Joined: 07/28/2010
United States
Hmm... you could've gotten it for cheaper... but you got some good ones!


Oct 24, 2010 at 5:58:03 PM
Tanooki (185)
(The Wind Waker) < Bonk >
Posts: 17067 - Joined: 08/27/2010
Cheaper than $5? Not around here. :\

Oct 31, 2010 at 6:20:55 PM
Tanooki (185)
(The Wind Waker) < Bonk >
Posts: 17067 - Joined: 08/27/2010

Edited: 01/09/2011 at 01:13 AM by Tanooki

Oct 31, 2010 at 6:40:37 PM
Derpy Hooves (0)
(Cody is now 20% cooler) < El Ripper >
Posts: 1242 - Joined: 07/28/2010
United States
Not bad. Got a lot of good stuff this weekend, I see.


Oct 31, 2010 at 6:54:28 PM
Tanooki (185)
(The Wind Waker) < Bonk >
Posts: 17067 - Joined: 08/27/2010
Yeah I forgot to mention the Super Gameboy I tracked down too. I was kind of avoiding them but it was $5 and I have a couple SGB games that just suck on a GBC mode GBA as it loses stupidly the good colors and audio.