Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Facing the priority changes of life... selling off the majority of my gaming collection to raise money to raise a baby in the next year or so. Most of my Nes collection is going to be sold off as well as other consoles. Was I ever expecting this day to come? Hell no. Am I regretting this choice? Nope.
Check out my first ever DJ Mix!! -
If anyone is LOOKING for certain repro/homebrews, I have a running repro company thread going as well as a lot of extras myself which include Limited Editions as well. I'm also free to help answer questions and point people in the right direction so never hesitate to ask! Here is the current list of repro companies. Please let me know if I need to update it:
"Only my pain tells me I'm alive...." "You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because you're all the same."
Check out my AVAILABLE
And my huge WANT
LIST, you may have something I need ;)