Originally posted by: Richardhead
Originally posted by: guitarzombie
lol how did I miss this?
Also if this gains some fans, maybe we can get a solid strategy.
Or email the developers and ask them WTF is going on in stage 4 and 5?!
This is a strange game for sure. I’ve played hundreds of hours and stage 5 is the only one I have consistent problems with. As far as I can tell it’s all about doing the rooms in certain order. Like using certain CM’s in certain rooms. I have a hand drawn guide/map that I use and can beat the game 2 of three times I play it given I have enough time. Also, it’s a must to sacrifice lives sometimes to keep the damn super gun.
In the last year this game had become my favorite obsession 😂
I had a lot of fun reading my thread and I saw you added a whole lot of stuff and dropped off. I just got an AVS and have been ignoring my NES the past few months but getting this game a solid strat is def a good excuse to fire it up even more.
What you've been saying is what ive been saying for a long time. Its a puzzle game with the CMs, what room to put them in and where. IMO once you get to level 5, its much easier to finish than struggling at 4.