Two years ago, I visited a local, privately owned game store to see if there was anything interesting going on. Off to the side was a large, cardboard bin full of old NES and Atari cartridges. That was new. The owner said he got a ridiculous deal from a flea market two counties over that was closing down. The manager just wanted someone to take the lot off his hands so he could clear out easier. There was a sign on the bin stating that all the games were $3 each.
I sifted through, finding mostly common, junk titles like Mario/Duck Hunt, Hydlide, Atari Pinball, etc. But I had nowhere to be, so I kept searching.
About halfway down, I found a loose copy of Little Samson and after a couple more minutes, a loose copy of Power Blade 2. Both games were clean, stain-free and unyellowed. The boards looked clean and the labels were both smooth. Each was about an 8/10.
Over in the corner, playing one of the PS3 demos, was this lardass in a Toronto Blue Jays jersey and a two-day neckbeard. As I was rummaging, I'd noticed him glancing over numerous times, trying to act like he wasn't interested even though he was a horrible actor. As I approached the counter to purchase the two games, he dropped the controller and waddled over to poke his nose into my business. "Oooh, what'd you find??" he asked.
I pretty much ignored him and told the manager I was going to take those two games. The manager shrugged and indicated for me to follow him toward the cash register. That's when fatty-tatty-fat-fat opened his cakehole.
"Oh, wow. Those games are pretty rare! You should be paying a lot more for those."
This caught the manager's ear and he asked what the fat kid meant. The fat kid explained that he'd read a rarity guide to old Nintendo games and saw that those games were hard to find. I tried to hurry the sale but the manager told me to hold on, he reserved the right to not sell an item if there was a valid reason. He jumped online at the fatass's encouragement and a few Ebay searches revealed that the tub-of-lard was telling the truth. I countered with the fact that the games were indeed in a bin clearly marked "$3 each" but the manager wasn't having it. He said, based on the Ebay prices, I could have each game for $40 instead. He said it was a fair market price and I was still getting a deal.
I turned to the fat kid, told him exactly what sexual act he could perform on himself, and walked out. He yelled something about me just being angry that I had to play fair. Like hell. I found a deal and he's the one who played spoiler just to be a jackass.
So I almost had two rare games for $6 if but for the cloying mouth of some obese sack of crap who probably got beat up every day of his childhood. And it's no mystery why.