VERY impressive. That, I will have to say, is pretty much impossible to beat. I actually just tried to conquer my score and in three tries was unable to get below 40 even. Part of it is luck in the placement of those annoying obstacles. Man, to beat that it's pretty much a no go. I'll give it a few more tries, but I've probably been destroyed with that one! One trick I tried which surprisingly didn't get me to my last score range, is teleporting the unicorn out to the third white space from the top. Kill the thingie there, then the mimic, then wipe out the sorceress (if you're good enough) and you can have at the whole board. I'm really not sure, though, why my last score wasn't lower because I wiped it clean pretty fast. I almost think there's something else to how the turns work, but I can't figure it out.