Quick access download links:
Scoreboard software
Current -Mac v1.12:
Can also try 1.13 buggy version:
Windows v1.12:
Windows v1.14beta
Official AVS firmware final version v1.30:
Note: You may need to right click the link and "save as" or "save link as" in order to download the file.
Firmware changelog:
Beta firmware v1.120b7 - May have bugs
Beta firmware v1.120b8 - May have bugs
The Basics
Scoreboard is an online leaderboard system here on NintendoAge. You can access the scoreboards by going to “Menu” in the top right corner and selecting “Scoreboard”, or follow this link:
The AVS is capable of uploading your game’s score to the online scoreboard system. Play a game on your AVS, upload your score, and see how you rank!
Getting Started
A few things are needed to use the AVS with Scoreboard:
-AVS console and a TV/monitor to play it on
-NintendoAge account
-Computer/laptop with internet connection
-Scoreboard software - PC and Mac compatible (see above for download link)
Download the scoreboard software and unzip “Scoreboard.exe” to a location you’ll remember so you can find later.
Run Scoreboard.exe to begin.
Scoreboard software
There are three main tabs within the Scoreboard software: Summary, Login details, Console details
The first time you run the program, or if you want to change users, you will need to navigate to the “Login details” tab. Here you will see a box labeled “keys”. The key is generated on NintendoAge. You can follow the link within the program or follow this link for your key:
Once your key is entered in the box the software will automatically connect to the NintendoAge server. Your user name and avatar will be displayed on the Summary tab once connected.
Getting your AVS ready to play
Your AVS should already be connected to a TV or monitor, and your game of choice should be in the console. Make sure you have “Menu buttons” set within the AVS and are familiar with how to return to the AVS menu screen by using them while playing a game.
Next plug your AVS into your computer’s USB port and power the console on. The Scoreboard software will automatically connect to the console. The Console details tab will show a green icon indicating that the console and program are connected.
Inside the AVS - Using the Scoreboard menu option
One of the five options on the AVS main menu screen is Scoreboard, inside this screen there are a few selections to choose from:
-Play a Game First - This is not not selectable, it’s telling you to play a game first!
-View Friends List - Shows the latest scores uploaded by your friends.
Your friends list is managed here on NintendoAge: http://nintendoage.com/index.cfm?...
-View Top Scores - This shows you the top scores for the current game in your console.
Protip: It is best to view top scores before you play. This will ensure the game you are playing is supported. If not, please e-mail retroUSB support!
Playing the game and submitting your score
You are now ready to play the game! Go to Start Cart and start your game. If you are playing on a PowerPak or other flash cart please see section below. If you are playing on a real cart then game on!
Your goal while playing is simple, get as high of a score as you can! Once you are finished with your game press your menu button combo (default setting is Select+A+B), and you will be returned to the AVS menu.
See this thread here for specific information on the best time to exit and submit your score:
After you exit the game select the Scoreboard menu option and then “Submit score”. The AVS will send the game information to the computer software which will verify the game and then submit your score to the online server. Once the upload process is completed you will be shown the current high scores and where your score ranked overall.
Playing with the PowerPak / other flash carts
The process for playing on a PowerPak or other flash carts is the same as standard game carts, with one small difference. After you “start cart” for the first time you will still need to select and load your game.
After you load the game and it boots for the first time you will need to exit to the AVS menu by using the menu button combo. At this point it’s best check and make sure your ROM is good and supported. You can do this by going to the Scoreboard menu option, and “View Top Scores”. If your ROM is good you will be shown the current high score list.
You can now “start cart” and begin playing. Submit your score works the same as if you were playing on a standard cart
Updating the firmware on your AVS
-Start by download the latest firmware update from retroUSB, this is also linked above.
-Connect your AVS to your computer.
-Open up the Scoreboard software and power on your AVS.
-Once the console connects with the program go to Transfer > Upgrade firmware.
-Select the AVS firmware BIN file you just downloaded and the AVS will begin updating.
It should complete in a few minutes or less depending on your computer.
-Make sure your computer will stay on the full length of time you are playing. Turn off any power saving mode you might have on such as sleep or hibernation.
-Always check to see if your game is supported before you play. Do this by going to “View top scores” in the Scoreboard AVS menu option.
-A clean game is a happy game! Use alcohol and qtips!
gauauu: look, we all paid $10K at some point in our lives for the privilege of hanging out with Kevin
"Meeting internet dudes is what being a dude on the internet is all about!" ~OSG
gauauu: look, we all paid $10K at some point in our lives for the privilege of hanging out with Kevin
gauauu: look, we all paid $10K at some point in our lives for the privilege of hanging out with Kevin