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The Sansui Joycard is the best controller... but what do y'all think is the best? (even though the Sansui is better anyways)

Jan 21, 2012 at 9:01:22 AM
Danimal Collective (50)
(Dan imal) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 715 - Joined: 11/24/2009

That's right... it's better than an original controller, the dog bone, and, even my old personal fav, the Zipper. Now what makes it so awesome? It does what the Konami Lazer Scope said it was supposed to do, you can listen to your games on headphones. The Sansui has a headphone jack right in the controller and a volume slider for adjustment. The other feature on the Sansui is what made the Zipper so near and dear to my heart, adjustable turbo settings. There are two turbo sliders above each button for maximum control. Plus, the controller is comfortable to hold, which I concede, is because it's almost a direct copy of the original NES controller. But, that's what makes it so awesome! That, and the headphone jack. The only downside is that you have to use the toaster style NES because the top loader does not have A/V jacks, but I personally don't consider that a downside. While the top loader is more realiable, it jailbars the games really bad (super noticable on Tiny Toon Adventures). The toaster just gives a much clearer picture.

Anywho, I'm curious what y'all think is the best... even though your choices wont even come close to the greatness that is the Sansui.... just sayin'.

