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Trying to purchase an item on mercadolibre and need a Spanish speaker

Oct 18, 2012 at 5:12:57 PM
Srimok (26)
(! !) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 991 - Joined: 12/04/2010
Is there anyone that can speak Spanish that could help me out understanding a few things.  I cannot understand where to enter serveral things on the mercadolibre site so I asked him if he would take paypal to make the process easier.  He writes back with this

Saludos, mi estimado un amigo mio tiene cuenta de paypal deja se la pido y ya te digo cual es y el monto total ya con el envio.

When entered in to Google translate comes out as this

Greetings, my dear friend of mine has left paypal account and ask it as I say it is, and the total amount and the shipping. 

I don't quite understand what he is saying.  His friend has a Paypal account but what about the total and shipping.

If someone could help me out I would really appreciate it.
