Hey everyone I designed a board to handel the reset button for ROM bank select. The way this works is you program 2 ROMs to a chip, say Goddess of Wisdom and Parallel Worlds. You disconnect the highest address line from the PCB and connect it to pad A# then connect the VCC, Reset and GND lines then you can select between the 2 games by hitting the reset button on the SNES.
(Install larger RAM chip and connect the highest SRAM address line to A# also to have saves for both games)
I have not printed this board yet but I made a prototype on a bread board with through hole parts and it worked so it should be good.
I will probably have some printed next month as I just started a new job and want to wait for my first check to come in.
Here is the schematic, it was given to me by markfrizbie
And my design in Free PCB
The 393 is a SOP-14 part
Caps and resistor are SMD 0805
Dual diode is SOT23