So, Link to the Past is literally just play it? No stipulations aside from cheating? Ugh, I might have to do a playthrough of that this month even though it will take me away from the completion thread.
Alright. Posting scores then.
172990 on SMW. I wasn't clear about what NA time because I have it set to my timezone. So I killed myself to get a quick participation.
Second Dark Dungeon in Link to the Past. You guys can disqualify this one if you want. Not like I was going to get a placing. I was using restore points everytime I started the game in case my 3DS died while I was at work. It got left in my car and the 3DS died... while I was mostly done with that dungeon. So the screen is the restore point of where I turned on the 3DS last time. But, like I said, I used restore points (even if it wasn't cheating) I understand if you want to throw that one out. Figured I would be up front about it.