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Top Loader Composite Kit from RetroFixes DIY it's not that dificult

Apr 8, 2016 at 8:33:49 PM
sweetsub818 (20)
(eric alan) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 346 - Joined: 06/04/2014
I just finished installing the Top Loader upgrade kit from RetroFixes. Worked out great i must say, and just wanted to show some support for his kit and give some encouragement to anyone who is thinking of DIY rather then spending the money to pay for the service. Long as you have the tools and patience, you can do it. I consider myself a noob @ soldering and the like and still managed to get it done. So go for it i say, what's the worst that can happen, you ruin your Top Loader soooo whaaaat! I got mine off ebay, twas like twenty something shipped. Arrived quickly. I wish he had a video tutorial from start to finish (maybe he does i just didn't see it), but i can see why he wouldn't...probably wouldnt help the installation service biz he offers. All good, I can respect the game. So be it, I like taking chances and taking on challenges, so it worked out. And I didn't get the 'jailhouse' bars some complain about either, maybe someone can tell me a game that shows these bars. Anyway here are the results. (Thanks for reading this, i know it wasn't like ground breaking news or nothing, just showing some support and maybe motivation to those who want to do this). 

Catch Phrase #1: You seein' this shit?
Catch Phrase #2: I'm very important. My blessing is everything.