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Bayonetta* Posters Unreleased Shtuff, retitled. My bad.

Jun 16, 2011 at 11:17:27 AM
KidNES (0)
(Jimmy Woods) < Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 38 - Joined: 06/15/2011
United States
I tried looking this up a couple times and never found anything online, so I'm wondering if you NErdS heard anything about this.

Last Final Fantasy that came out like two years ago or so, if you pre-ordered or something, the game came with a poster. There was a series of them, 7 or something. Did anyone ever hear about the designers making two extra posters for the set, that were NWS or rated M, that were pulled before distribution?

Just curious.

Kid NES One

Edited: 06/16/2011 at 03:27 PM by KidNES

Jun 16, 2011 at 12:58:35 PM
removed-07-06-2016 (214)

< Bowser >
Posts: 5018 - Joined: 06/26/2008
You really need to be a bit more specific. There have been 5 FF games in the last 2 years. Were these posters for the US market? The Japanese market? Do you have pics of the series of 7 posters that were distributed?

Frankly, with just a basic Google search, I can't see any SE games that came with an actual pre-order bonus poster in the US except for Dragon Quest VI. Some games, like 4 Heroes of Light and Chrono Trigger, had a poster packed in with the 1st printing, but that's about it.

Edited: 06/16/2011 at 12:58 PM by removed-07-06-2016

Jun 16, 2011 at 3:33:59 PM
KidNES (0)
(Jimmy Woods) < Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 38 - Joined: 06/15/2011
United States
Did some quick research. Not Final Fantasy (which is what I had been told, but they don't know anything about gaming), but rather Bayonetta posters. She looks like a FF character to me, ha!

I didn't see the ones I was talking about, though. They would look like these:

Only with quotes something like, "Don't fuck with a witch," or, "Are you going to have fun with me?" They were supposed to be graphic, but these other ones look pretty graphic to me.

She's hot. I like the glasses.

Kid NES One