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Interesting controller finds

May 10, 2007 at 6:08:13 AM
Speedy_NES (158)
(< Pieter >) < Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2452 - Joined: 08/19/2006
I got these controllers in the other day from a Spanish seller:

While the Zinger looks like the unlicensed Beeshu Zinger (I have a loose one of these) given the packaging, it turns out that it's actually not the official unlicensed Beeshu release (no Beeshu on packaging, and while the packaging is in the unlicensed Beeshu style, the unlicensed Beeshu Zingers have a different joystick mold, and this one has the mold of the licensed Zinger...also, unlicensed Beeshu controllers have a Beeshu endconnector, licensed ones have a black Nintendo endconnector, yet this one has a plain grey one without any logo...same goes for the Beeshu Zoomer-clone).

I'm assuming these came from Talent Electronics, as they released at least a Beeshu Zipper-clone in Famicom format (and are linked to a GBC release of a Beeshu Zipper-clone in NES format), and the product code type of the Zinger (VG ###) is just like that of the other accessories related to Talent Electronics. I have a hunch there may also be an Ultimate Superstick clone out there, because there seems to be a relationship between Marpes and Talent Electronics (in more ways than one), as Marpes is still selling the Commodore version of this same Zoomer-clone (check one of the following pics, the box is universal and there's a checkbox for the Commodore version on the side of the box) and also an Atari version of an Ultimate Superstick clone.

Also, might be interesting to know that there's at least one more Zoomer clone out there for the NES...instead of Zoomer or Joystick in the center of the controller, there's a sticker with something along the lines of "Para......." (I've seen the controller with NES connector but was unable to make out the full name on the sticker).

May 10, 2007 at 12:50:52 PM
wrldstrman (107)
(doug prickett) < Master Higgins >
Posts: 8001 - Joined: 08/18/2006
West Virginia
the one is a zinger..wonder if that company bought up the remaining beeshu stock and put them in there either controller have beeshu stamped on the controller.

Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.

May 10, 2007 at 1:46:07 PM
Speedy_NES (158)
(< Pieter >) < Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2452 - Joined: 08/19/2006
Yeah, it's definitely a Zinger, but it's been slightly altered as the end-connector is just plain grey with line indentations rather than having Beeshu on it (I have an unlicensed one, and the end-connector has the Beeshu logo on it...same goes for other unlicensed Beeshu joysticks such as the Jazz Stick). The Zinger has Beeshu and Zinger stamped on the back of it...didn't find it on the Zoomer, though, but I'm not sure if the normal Beeshu Zoomer has Beeshu on it...I'll have to check.

May 12, 2007 at 4:27:14 PM
Speedy_NES (158)
(< Pieter >) < Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2452 - Joined: 08/19/2006
I just checked, and the Beeshu Zoomer and the Zoomer-clone have the same mold, except for the very bottom part...the Beeshu Zoomer has "Zoomer by Beeshu" stamped in the mold, and the Zoomer-clone doesn't. What's also funny, and might mean that this clone is not from remaining Beeshu stock, is that the Zoomer says "Made in Taiwan" and the Zoomer-clone is "Made in China." The screws used etc are all the same, though.