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"Now you're playing with power" Slogan looking for magazine print / advert

Dec 18, 2008 at 2:15:32 PM
rdk_nl (1)

(Richy Brown) < Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 43 - Joined: 11/20/2008
In my youth I'm 100% for sure I saw this advert in one of our European game magazine (maybe Club Nintendo) or Advertisements here in Europe:

I know there are some different version (with and without the "Now you're playing with power" slogan.

Unfortunately it's impossible for me to find a hi-res scanned picture; so I can print it.

User nma800 is also looking for this advert:

-was ever printed in Nintendo Power, or any other magazine as an ad, or happens to know where I might find it online, I'd really appreciate it.

Please do somebody knows where this kind of ad was published?

I found a similar one; but i'm searching for the white one because I still remember it from my youth:


Edited: 12/18/2008 at 02:17 PM by rdk_nl