Originally posted by: evil wizard werdna
Wow! Your blog is very interesting! Thank you for sharing. I am just asking me where did you get the difficulty rating for your games? I am searching since few days on the net to find a list of nes games with the difficulty rating, but I did not find anything.
Thank you for reading!
I've been asked a few times about the difficulty ratings. They are really just my own opinion based on my experiences with playing NES games. The "My Difficulty" rating is a little different as that takes my own prior experience if any with the game as well as whatever secondary goals I have set for myself outside of the minimum requirement.
To my knowledge there is not a complete list of difficulty assessments for NES games. If I ever get all the way done, then I will have one.
There was a thread a few years back where this was tried but it was not all the way completed.