hi! i have a retro videogame channel where i do unboxings, reviews, and pickups. my pickups are pretty sweet, coming from craigslist, thrift stores, garage sales, flea markets, and sometimes score at a gamestore. my finds consist of megaman X3 for SNES at goodwill for 1$, super mario RPG at goodwill for 5$, a CIB ice blue N64 at the thrift store for 20$, turbografx16 with 15 games for 50$ from craigslist, a CIB NES deluxe set from craigslist, duck tales 2 at the thrift store for 1$, NES toploaders at garage sales for various garage sale prices, sega saturn finds, SNES hauls for cheap, etc. my username on youtube is 97retrogamenerd, please sub, im having a contest when i reach 300, getting pretty close to it now, and will be giving away a pretty sweet and hard to find game worth 40-50$. all you need to do is subscribe and later answer a question that relates to gaming