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May 19, 2018 at 8:59:57 PM
Kosmic StarDust (44)
(Alita Jean) < Master Higgins >
Posts: 9158 - Joined: 09/10/2011
Originally posted by: BRNexus
Originally posted by: Gloves

If an HDMI Genesis came out I might actually start to care about the Genesis.

Here is a quote from Kevtris you might find interesting.  It was actually posted a few months before he started work on the Super NT.

""I have done 16 bit dev, like completing the SNES audio hardware (SPC) and making a standalone core/player for it which I will be releasing btw.   But no actual system yet.  I kind of wanted to do Genesis first because it looks very simple compared to SNES.  TG-16 looks super simple too but the 7MHz bandwidth on the RAM is just a bit too fast right now for my RAM hardware.  I almost need two SDRAMs / DDR1 chips and "Double pump' them to get around the latency issues.  Genesis' big problem is the 68K.  Once I write my own 68K core it will open up neoego, genesis, super a'can and lots of other things.  I have SMS done, so that gives me a lot of the requisite parts for a genesis.  It just need 1 more video mode, a 68K, and FM audio which I am a veteran at.   

 I was thinking to speed along development of genesis FM audio, I could make a GYM player to get it all debugged and ready to go so I can just drop it in.  That was kind of the idea with SNES.  Having the SPC part done before everything else means I can just drop it in and not worry about audio at all, which is super nice.  Just one less thing to worry about."
Mega NT will be the next Analogue console. You heard it from me first. If not, I'll eat my hat.  


~From the Nintendo/Atari addict formerly known as StarDust4Ever...

May 19, 2018 at 9:39:13 PM
UKWildcats (8)
< Crack Trooper >
Posts: 144 - Joined: 02/10/2017
South Carolina
Originally posted by: themisfit138

A Genesis one would be great, at the same time it would most likely drive up prices on the games. Collecting for Genesis is still fairly reasonable with the exception of a few games.

This would be great. Anything to get rid of the RGB conversion is a good idea.

Licensed NES Games: 665/679
Unlicensed NES Games: 167/182
Licensed PAL NES Games: 6/34