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Every Super Comboy title (Korean SNES)

Aug 24, 2016 at 8:58:23 AM
Comboy (1)

< Little Mac >
Posts: 74 - Joined: 04/18/2014

-32 official releases including the Super Mini Comboy (Super Gameboy) and one re-release (Dragon Ball Z 3)
-One Super Famicom game released in Korean packaging (NBA Jam T.E.)
-One gray market multi cart ("Super 20", bottom right)

full resolution:

Edited: 08/24/2016 at 09:33 AM by Comboy

Aug 24, 2016 at 9:12:53 AM
snes_collector (86)
(Jordan ) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 470 - Joined: 09/05/2011
Awesome set, congrats. I love the looks of these carts.


Aug 24, 2016 at 9:32:19 AM
arnpoly (110)
(Aaron ) < King Solomon >
Posts: 3641 - Joined: 07/26/2013
This is really neat. Thanks for sharing!

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Aug 24, 2016 at 9:43:51 AM
fcgamer (101)

(Dave ) < Bowser >
Posts: 7352 - Joined: 01/22/2008
Nice set! Thanks for sharing  

Interesting to see you included the multicart. Maybe some other Korean multicarts exist too?

Family Bits:  An Unauthorized, Complete Guide to Famicom, Dendy, and Pegasus


Aug 24, 2016 at 10:36:10 AM
MuNKeY (151)
< Master Higgins >
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Wisdom comes from experience. Experience is often a result of lack of wisdom.


Aug 24, 2016 at 10:44:31 AM
AC Skywalker (56)
(Matt ) < Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2140 - Joined: 02/20/2014
These look fantastic

Currently looking for:

Aug 24, 2016 at 10:45:21 AM
BouncekDeLemos (81)
(Bouncy Blooper) < Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 11139 - Joined: 07/21/2011
Dude, that's awesome!

The multicart on the bottom right is pretty hard to come by. It's pretty neat since it's a bunch of NES games on the SNES.

Originally posted by: dra600n

I feel bad, but, that's magic.
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Aug 24, 2016 at 11:37:24 AM
Comboy (1)

< Little Mac >
Posts: 74 - Joined: 04/18/2014
Originally posted by: tracker465

Nice set! Thanks for sharing  

Interesting to see you included the multicart. Maybe some other Korean multicarts exist too?
None are quite like this.  

Unlike the Korean Sega stuff which has an absolute ton of name-branded pirated/gray market (especially SMS) there is very little for the SNES in Korea.  The Super 20 multi comes with a high quality box and manual (** I just came across a second variant of this that comes in a paper tray and does not include a manual) and has Korean menus, the box even says "Korean version" on the back.  It also has a release date and registration info on the front like many of the legit releases.  For these reasons I think it's worth mentioning because there's really nothing comparable that I've seen.

With that said, it's really terrible.  The version of Super Mario Bros. is awful and the music is dissonant like maybe they thought changing the melody just enough to make you NOT enjoy it would be enough to circumvent some kind of copyright issues. 


Edited: 09/01/2016 at 08:43 PM by Comboy

Aug 24, 2016 at 11:39:44 AM
fcgamer (101)

(Dave ) < Bowser >
Posts: 7352 - Joined: 01/22/2008
Originally posted by: Comboy
Originally posted by: tracker465

Nice set! Thanks for sharing  

Interesting to see you included the multicart. Maybe some other Korean multicarts exist too?
None are quite like this.  

Unlike the Korean Sega stuff which has an absolute ton of name-branded pirated/gray market (especially SMS) there is very little for the SNES in Korea.  The Super 20 multi comes with a high quality box and manual and has Korean menus, the box even says "Korean version" on the back.  It also has a release date and registration info on the front like many of the legit releases.  For these reasons I think it's worth mentioning because there's really nothing comparable that I've seen.

With that said, it's really terrible.  The version of Super Mario Bros. is awful and the music is dissonant like maybe they thought changing the melody just enough to make you NOT enjoy it would be enough to circumvent some kind of copyright issues. 

Thanks for the information!   

I had a chance to get one of those, boxed, one time but I turned it down and instead got one of the lunchbox Korean karaoke machines for the Famicom.  Just out of curiosity, how much is a boxed version worth?


Family Bits:  An Unauthorized, Complete Guide to Famicom, Dendy, and Pegasus


Aug 24, 2016 at 2:34:57 PM
Gex (42)
(Ryley Rolls ) < El Ripper >
Posts: 1419 - Joined: 11/13/2015
sweet! looking good

  <<< Buying TurboGrafx 16 

Aug 24, 2016 at 3:28:32 PM
supergamboy (118)

(Sanford ) < Meka Chicken >
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Aug 24, 2016 at 4:59:47 PM
Laseki (75)
(mooga moon) < El Ripper >
Posts: 1140 - Joined: 05/09/2012
Huh, didn't know MMX3 was released over there lol
Guess I got another version to go after.

All I do is speedrun Megaman X games honestly.

Aug 24, 2016 at 5:17:30 PM
Bort License Plate (56)
(Barclay Barry Bert Bort) < Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 12397 - Joined: 09/02/2015
Neat! I'm curious what the rest of the boxes look like

Switch Friend Code: SW-3306-9533-2032

Aug 24, 2016 at 6:13:46 PM
Comboy (1)

< Little Mac >
Posts: 74 - Joined: 04/18/2014
Originally posted by: tracker465

Thanks for the information!   

I had a chance to get one of those, boxed, one time but I turned it down and instead got one of the lunchbox Korean karaoke machines for the Famicom.  Just out of curiosity, how much is a boxed version worth?

You made the right choice.  The lunchbox noraebang (karaoke) is much more rare and one of the few Korean-produced famicom games.  Ostensibly all NES/famicom stuff should have been released for the Comboy if everyone had been playing by the rules...  I have a similar cart that was released by Daewoo that essentially does the same thing.

As for what it's worth, it's hard to say.  Of course what someone is willing to pay is the important factor.  I do know that Super 20 is still pretty readily available as deadstock whereas the karaoke set is probably quite sought after for its novelty and for being one of only a handful of Korean famicom titles.

Edited: 08/24/2016 at 06:14 PM by Comboy

Aug 24, 2016 at 6:18:56 PM
Sterling_Archer (0)
< Crack Trooper >
Posts: 160 - Joined: 10/09/2013
This is really cool! Thank you for sharing.

There are some surprising/random inclusions in this set, for sure. Surprised they bothered to release Tiny Toons and Congo's Caper there.

Aug 24, 2016 at 11:39:04 PM
Turdfurgeson82 (37)
(Joe Childers) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 603 - Joined: 03/02/2010
nice looks good


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Aug 24, 2016 at 11:55:30 PM
zredgemz (1)
< Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2189 - Joined: 11/03/2012
United States
Korea really missed out on Cybernator/assault suit valken.

Aug 25, 2016 at 1:14:43 AM
CZroe (31)
(Julian Emmett Turner II) < Bowser >
Posts: 6522 - Joined: 08/25/2014
Strange that they got Mega Man X and Mega Man X3 but not Mega Man X2 (my favorite of the three). I guess they kind did the same thing with Street Foghter there.

Aug 25, 2016 at 5:23:09 AM
Comboy (1)

< Little Mac >
Posts: 74 - Joined: 04/18/2014
Originally posted by: Sterling_Archer

This is really cool! Thank you for sharing.

There are some surprising/random inclusions in this set, for sure. Surprised they bothered to release Tiny Toons and Congo's Caper there.
Those are both launch titles!  Both are super rare and I have yet to find either box.  
Originally posted by: CZroe

Strange that they got Mega Man X and Mega Man X3 but not Mega Man X2 (my favorite of the three). I guess they kind did the same thing with Street Foghter there.

They were actually released by different companies.  Hyundai handled the vast majority of releases including MMX, but there was another company called "COST" that came in and handled the release of MMX3 (and re-release of DBZ3).  My theory is that these MMX3s are actually made with PCBs from unsold US stock.  MMX3 was the last officially released Korean SNES title (in 1997 or 98) and importation of sealed US/Latin American SNES titles (especially Majesco stuff) was really common back then.  

The connections were there.  A somewhat tangential, but similar instance that definitely happened would be when the company Haitai bought up unsold and surplus TurboGrafx systems and stock, modified and re-housed them in new cases, and sold them for domestic consumption in Korea.  

As far as I'm concerned, the possibility is quite real. 

Aug 25, 2016 at 8:42:22 AM
CZroe (31)
(Julian Emmett Turner II) < Bowser >
Posts: 6522 - Joined: 08/25/2014
Originally posted by: Sterling_Archer

This is really cool! Thank you for sharing.

There are some surprising/random inclusions in this set, for sure. Surprised they bothered to release Tiny Toons and Congo's Caper there.

Well, that old commercial with animated characters had Buster Bunny right next to Mario, the Ninja Turtles, and everyone else but it's still strange.  

Sep 1, 2016 at 8:46:37 PM
Comboy (1)

< Little Mac >
Posts: 74 - Joined: 04/18/2014
Originally posted by: BertBerryCrunch

Neat! I'm curious what the rest of the boxes look like

Thanks for the warm responses!  

Since I'm sure a few are curious, here are the boxes I have.  I need 6 more "big" boxes and 3 more "SFC" sized boxes.  (I arranged the carts to represent missing boxes, but I mistakenly put Buster Bros. on the bottom.  It has a standard US-sized box).


Edited: 09/01/2016 at 08:47 PM by Comboy

Sep 1, 2016 at 9:20:40 PM
Bort License Plate (56)
(Barclay Barry Bert Bort) < Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 12397 - Joined: 09/02/2015
Originally posted by: Comboy

Originally posted by: BertBerryCrunch

Neat! I'm curious what the rest of the boxes look like

Thanks for the warm responses!  

Since I'm sure a few are curious, here are the boxes I have.  I need 6 more "big" boxes and 3 more "SFC" sized boxes.  (I arranged the carts to represent missing boxes, but I mistakenly put Buster Bros. on the bottom.  It has a standard US-sized box).


That's freakin rad. Is Super Mario World rare? Might need to snag a copy for myself. Also do these work on North American SNES' like Super Famicom games do?

Switch Friend Code: SW-3306-9533-2032

Sep 1, 2016 at 9:27:05 PM
Comboy (1)

< Little Mac >
Posts: 74 - Joined: 04/18/2014
Originally posted by: BertBerryCrunch

That's freakin rad. Is Super Mario World rare? Might need to snag a copy for myself. Also do these work on North American SNES' like Super Famicom games do?

Super Mario World is rare.  I don't even have the original yellow "big box" release.  It is next to impossible to find.

Unfortunately, almost every box in the picture (with the exception of maybe 4-5) is insanely rare.

And, yes, they will work on a Super Famicom.  NTSC constructed with US English PCBs.

Edited: 09/01/2016 at 09:32 PM by Comboy

Sep 1, 2016 at 9:42:10 PM
TENGEN (177)
(DK ) < King Solomon >
Posts: 3411 - Joined: 01/05/2012
New York
That is a really awesome pic. I've never seen most of those boxes and I've had a daily Comboy Ebay search going for almost two years.

Do you also have a complete Comboy Nes collection?

Sep 1, 2016 at 10:07:26 PM
Comboy (1)

< Little Mac >
Posts: 74 - Joined: 04/18/2014
Originally posted by: TENGEN

That is a really awesome pic. I've never seen most of those boxes and I've had a daily Comboy Ebay search going for almost two years.

Do you also have a complete Comboy Nes collection?
I have some Comboy stuff but very few boxed copies and no boxed console.

I don't think I'll ever even SEE in person a Hyundai copy of Mega Man 3...I've only ever seen pictures of two copies.