Originally posted by: Sterling_Archer
This is really cool! Thank you for sharing.
There are some surprising/random inclusions in this set, for sure. Surprised they bothered to release Tiny Toons and Congo's Caper there.
Those are both launch titles! Both are super rare and I have yet to find either box.
Originally posted by: CZroe
Strange that they got Mega Man X and Mega Man X3 but not Mega Man X2 (my favorite of the three). I guess they kind did the same thing with Street Foghter there.
They were actually released by different companies. Hyundai handled the vast majority of releases including MMX, but there was another company called "COST" that came in and handled the release of MMX3 (and re-release of DBZ3). My theory is that these MMX3s are actually made with PCBs from unsold US stock. MMX3 was the last officially released Korean SNES title (in 1997 or 98) and importation of sealed US/Latin American SNES titles (especially Majesco stuff) was really common back then.
The connections were there. A somewhat tangential, but similar instance that definitely happened would be when the company Haitai bought up unsold and surplus TurboGrafx systems and stock, modified and re-housed them in new cases, and sold them for domestic consumption in Korea.
As far as I'm concerned, the possibility is quite real.