Originally posted by: Splain
If nobody minds, I'm gearing up to run this thread for 2018. I'm more than 95% of the way through the GB library, recording completion requirements for each game. I want to run it like the other threads, where games are worth more points based on previous years' completions. I'm already spreadsheeting data from previous threads because I'm a huge nerd. The more I dig into the GB library, the more I see how many great games (and sure, how many dogs) there are, and I want to help strengthen the ol' grey brick's presence on NA.
I sure don't mind! I'm sorry I've dropped the ball on this one this year. I'm at a time in my life where I have almost no time for videogames. Finishing up my last semester of college, working, looking for a full time job etc.
Maybe next year without running the thread I could maybe beat a few games, we will see....