Originally posted by: BRNexus
Originally posted by: Mega Mario Man
OK, so I went back and looked at this again. What's the point? Is there any real value to this for the amount of work that would have to go into it? I mean, colors vary by tv model\brand and color settings anyways. I guess I see this as a waste of time more than anything. So, I guess you can add me to the option of "Does not interest me" if that option becomes available on your list.
Considering all the palette options available for emulators and the amount of work people go into making them people obviously care. Also, I highly doubt it would require that much work. He doesn't have to create new palettes manually lol, he just simply has to add the .Pal file to where ever he stores the Palettes in his firmware code, barring he has enough memory to at least fit one more.
And if you aren't interested simply don't vote. If you can't comprehend why someone would like more options then I don't know what to say. Currently I use Unsat6, but its like 3 generations behind FBX's latest palette.
Kevtris did the right thing and let people load whatever palette they want on the NT Mini. Obviously, with the AVS not having an SD Card slot that ability wouldn't be possible without having to hook up the AVS via USB to your computer, if Brian ever decides to make a Palette loader via the Scoreboard software.
My assumption on why he hasn't added any new palettes since 1.20 FW is he probably wanted to ensure he had enough room to fit all the features he wanted like the horizontal Interpolation option. So, obviously palettes weren't top priority. My main issue is he hasn't really commented on whether new palettes might be added so those of us wanting have been left in the dark for a long time. I've tried to contact RetroUSB support to no avail.
The bolded is not a very good reason for wanting a feature added. If you want people to vote in your favor, you are going to have to provide context as to why you would like this as a feature and what advantages does it bring to the system. I think it would be a decent amount of work as he would have to build a menu option for it in the new firmware and test the changes. It's not a simple as drag and drop a few palette files into memory.
The highlighted just shows that your poll is very bias as it leaves out a good number of people that would vote "No Interest". You can't just simply tell people not to vote if they don't conform to your opinion. In my opinion, your poll should look like this.
Would you like to see more palette options on the AVS?
Now, you have an unbias poll. Then in the original post, you can state your case to why you feel that this is important feature and why people would want this. Unless you can convince me otherwise, I see no functional purpose to alternate palettes as they are all pretty close anyways. As a programmer of NES games, I don't even mess with the palette options on the emulators. I am honestly very curious as to why this feature is very important to you. I would like understand your reasoning for asking for the feature.