Wow. I was playing the Japanese version of Battletoads on emulator, and if this is the real thing, boy, their version is a piece of cake, took almost all of the challenge out of it, so easy that I would think almost anyone could beat it. I'm not very good at controlling using a keyboard and I got all the way to the Gargantuan Ducts, only stage I skipped was the ice cavern because I accidentally used the warp in the turbo tunnel. The whole thing is a friggin' joke. The turbo tunnel, many of the walls have been removed, also the part where you have to manually jump across the multiple platforms, they give you ramps, plus it feels slower too. Bosses take less hits, Big Blag went down quick, same goes for Robo-Manus later. The snake pit, many of the spikes have been removed, also, no fast moving snakes, all of them slither across the screen at the same pace. The fire zone, those logs that you have to carefully jump to, not there, instead just more solid ground platforms, screen scrolls slower when riding on the jet, the force beams have larger gaps so fitting through is effortless, especially for the last checkpoint, so easy. In the vertical shaft, some of the gas guns and fans have been removed as well as a few other enemies, even a couple of the electrical shifting floors have been changed to just regular moving floors. The parts in the pipe stage where the gear chases you, most or all spikes have been removed, so outrunning it is just a matter of going the right way, but very little hazard other than taking too long and letting the gear catch up to you, and many other parts of the stage have less spikes too. If I were playing this using a controller, I'd have had it beaten long ago many times over, only reason I lost all my lives here was because I suck at moving uses the arrow keys, I wouldn't stand a chance on our Battletoads this way. Guess the game was considered too hard for them, they got a lame kiddie version of the game, kinda like Ninja Gaiden III, that one when I had played it was a joke too. But having played the Japanese version of Battletoads, makes me think, what could've been really nice is if the Battletoads that we all know so well actually had two difficulties, an easy mode, what they got, and hard mode, our version, would've been very player friendly for everyone, for beginners and pros, of coarse I still would be playing the harder version, only because the easy one is just too easy that it wouldn't even feel like a major accomplishment.