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3d dot game heros reveiw

Jun 10, 2010 at 3:54:11 AM
whitetrashshayno (92)
(Shayne Tellian) < El Ripper >
Posts: 1028 - Joined: 01/26/2010
The positives.
The begining is really cool, explaining the whole reason why the 2d world went 3d was pretty fuck'n funny.
I liked all the in jokes, and stuff like that. Referencing demon souls,final fantasy's, and zeldas mde me giggle.
The gameplay basic zelda clone, but your sword gets fuck'n huge. Not alot of challenge minus 1 boss*spoiler not the last boss he's a bitch*

The negatives
Difficulity. THis game was fuck'n retardedly easy. The first spell you get shows you the answer to puzzles. This would be fine if it was just like a cheater thing if you get frustrated but instead, you get zero clues and are basically forced to just use the puzzle solver. The only puzzles in teh game you need to solve are block puzzles, but even that's easy since they mark which ones can move and which ones cant. The dungeon monsters were all pretty fuck'n easy to disperse, and the bosses were cake other than the dragon, that thing was a mother fucker took me 3 tries! 3! that's how easy we are talking.

Sidequests. Tehres so fucking many of em, that shouldn't be a bad thing but teh excuection is pretty poor.They are all time senesitve aka you beat a dungeon you can't do em now. So you seriously need to go back to every city, every place theres someon to talk to and see waht kinda stupid shit he wants this week. I did most of em noticed i missed 1 that alters the ending of the game and said fuck em.

It's a nice little homage to oldschool games, but theres so little new about it you'd be doing yourself a favor just play'n A link to the past.
Decent game worth 20 bucks.