I have recently bought an AVS and oddly enough, one of the first games, if not THE first one, game me strange errors. Like e.g. soldiers suddenly disappering, when picking up bombs there like 1-2 frames of the bomb graphics appearing in the middle of the screen, etc. But worst of it all: The game froze occasionally. Sometimes already during stage 1, sometimes in 2 or 3, it's really random.
I opened my cart, cleaned it, tried again, rinse and repeat, nothing helped.
So, thinking that the AVS couldn't be the issue, I ordered another cart. Funnily enough, it has a different board revision. BUT, what can I say? Same behavior, same glitches during gameplay and it still freezes at random.
Other games I tried in the meantime seem to work just fine.
I searched this forum and the web if I was able to find reports of others complaining that Commando doesn't work, but there's only one report from 2016 who claims that it freezes when auto fire is enabled.
I have auto fire disabled, extra sprites off. And I'm on FW 1.30 Final.
When the game freezes, I can't go back to the AVS main menu.
High scores have been submitted by others, so it seems to work for others, but why do I have the same issues with 2 different carts and 2 different board revisions?
Note that I don't have an original NES anymore, so I can't verify the game on real hardware.
Some of the glitches might be "OK", as I read multiple times that the game is know to be buggy, but since I can't compare it to original hardware, I can't tell.
Below is a video recording of me trying to play the game until it freezes.
I start with showing the AVS settings to rule out that there is any issue.
Noteworthy observations:
- 0:04 -> Input Options
- 0:09 -> Video Options
- 0:39 -> Soldier appears on top of screen briefly and then disappears (there are many other soldiers disappearing just like that throughout the video, I will only list big incidents from here on out)
- 1:05 -> When I pick up bombs, you can briefly see the bomb gfx appear elsewhere on screen
- 1:24 -> See some soldiers disappear when they touch the 3 palms
- 2:45 -> When I walk past the 2 soldiers hiding behind the rocks they start walking up and then *poof* they're gone
- 3:00 -> Top left and top right, the graphics of the soldiers hiding behind the rocks seems displaced
- 4:13 -> When the truck leaves the screen on the left side, it reappears on the right side
- 5:16 -> I have 41 bombs. I throw 1 bomb. The bomb counter goes down to 40. But then the 41 appears in the middle of the screen?
- 5:23 -> Rockets go right through me?!
- 5:29 -> The guy sitting in the water. Once I go past him, he walks up and disappears.
- 6:01 -> Green guy appears on top with gfx glitches
- 6:18 -> Game freezes
Thanks for looking!