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The Game Doctor SF7 (SF2) Ultimate Guide retitled topic

Dec 23, 2013 at 7:33:22 PM
Gorillazero (53)
(Well That's Just Prime) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1807 - Joined: 07/26/2012
Purpose: To combine all the information related to this nefty little device from the 90s into one single place. Don't hestiate to PM me, if you have questions or corrections. I'll include how to use uCon64 and other utilites. I know that newer flash carts make this device obsolete, but I can't help but enjoy messing with this thing. I'll retype the manual to correct some grammar and initial confusion, as well as include items to help everyone out, past what the manual offers.

Table of Contents:

I - Installation and "Easy" Mode Operation
II - Main Function and Usage
III - Operating Instructions of Menu Mode
IV - Three Main Functions At Menu's Upper Screen
V - Notes

I - Installation and "Easy" Mode Operation

more coming

II - Main Function and Usage

more coming

III - Operating Instructions of Menu Mode

SFGMCODE.D00 Creation

You can enter the codes at the MODIFY GAME option. After each one says "OK", you'll enter the next one. Once all six are entered, you'll go to the Write Codes option and the SFGMCODE.D00 will be created.


Easy Download: SFGMCODE.D00

PAR Code to Gold Finger Code (Gold Finger is what is used for Game Doctor SF7 devices)

The above Converter, once you type in your PAR code on the right side, press the button pointing to the left. IT will create a code for you.

You will only use the first part of the code and the last letter.


Illusion of Gaia - Infinite Energy

PAR Code - 83C47BAD
GoldFinger Conversion Code - 1C47BADXXX8D0@A
Code to enter on the GameDoctor SF7 - 1C47BADXXXXXXA (there should be 14 characters/digits)

IV - Three Main Functions At Menu's Upper Screen

Normal Mode: This mode is for normal play. The pointer at the bottom of the screen selects the game(s) you've loaded, Y=move down and X=move up. Any game over 8M must be stored in multiple conceutive memory slows (up to 128M). It's only necessary to select the first 8M of a game to load the game successfully.

Super Mode: This mode allows you to modify how the game is played.

-Save Screen-

-Restoring a Saved Screen-

-Four Times Slow Motion-

-Two Times Flash Slow Motion-

Modify Game:

Revival Code:

V - Notes

- When restoring a saved screen under "Super Mode", the background music may not display the same music, or any music at all. It's best practice to continue playing a bit further through the game, before restoring a saved screen.

- Some games are not suitable for "Slow Motion". Test and verify, before attempting to complete an entire game. "Slow Motion" can crash or cause abnormal effects to games. (Four Times Slow Motion - "Start" button and "L" button simultaneouly and Two Times Slow Motion - "Start" button and "R" button simultaneously can cause abnormal effects. Please be aware before creating save screens or playing for long periods of time without saving).

Bounty: Neo Geo Pocket and Color Games PAL/UK. Dive Alert, Pocket Reversi, Puzzle Link 1 and 2, Gals Fighters

Edited: 05/18/2014 at 03:06 PM by Gorillazero