EDIT - 5/14 - LE sale live
EDIT - 5/13 - A huge sale "REKT" is approaching fast
Eric has finally finished all of the Pink Slip Edition goodies, and the sale should start in the evening.
There's gonna be 30 numbered copies for sale, and each copy will cost $87.97 (because Walmart)
Are you ready to get REKT? If yes, wait for the sale thread that should pop up tonight! I'll try to update this thread/make an announcement on Discord as soon as Eric sets up the sale thread
EDIT - 4/5 - Get hyped!

That is all
EDIT - 2/2 - New producer found, ordering boards now
Good news! We're ordering boards as I'm writing this.
Looks like it's finally gonna be time to get REKT! - Will be updating this thread as soon as I get more production news.
EDIT - 13/1 - Production issues...
Time for some bad news... As you have most likely noticed, the game has had a few production issues. The problem is that my producer had a little too much on his hands and couldn't start producing REKT on time. However, he did tell me that it was okay for me to search for a new producer. So if you feel like doing a few CIBs and a few cart onlys for me, feel free to PM me. The labels/boxes and instructions text are done, so it shouldn't be that herculean of a task to accomplish. PM me if you have the resources to get REKT!
EDIT - 10/25 - Trailer!!!
Just made a trailer for the game! Time to get
REKT hyped!
EDIT - 10/18 #2 - Check the game out at PRGE!
Another good news! If you're itching to get REKT, you can check the game out at the NintendoAge booth over at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo! Don't forget to ask for the game if they aren't showing it at the moment
EDIT - 10/18 - Final Boss done, game (mostly) completed!
Great news!!! After one last bit of screaming at the NES, computer and PPU (Turns out the sprite OAM had some issues on the ending screen on real hardware), I'm proud to announce that we have a
FULLY PLAYABLE ROM up and running! The focus will now be LE packaging and ironing out some smaller bugs scattered through the game (I already know 2 so it's bound to be "fun"
Speaking of LEs, there is going to be a special "Pink Slip" Limited edition available! This version will have individual numbering in the game, a customizable message when you boot up the game, and it will have its own special CIB packaging, as opposed to the cart-only REs. As of right now, I only have the LE box and the RE label more or less ready, but I will be sure to show you some packaging-related things when I'll get off my lazy ass and make them
In the meantime, you should get hyped, because getting hyped is always better than getting REKT!
EDIT - 10/9 - Level 6/Final Boss started
1 month without an update?! Development is still going on, but it's mostly stuff that I'm gonna let you discover by yourself, so no updates unfortunately
Also, the game is ~90% complete by now, so there's obviously gonna be less new things worth showing off.
Black background with a lot of room... You all know what this means
For now, you can only walk, jump and shoot... and the boss can already move.
Not gonna show you the boss now though, it's one of those aforementioned things to discover by yourself!
EDIT - 9/9 - Bonus stage
I noticed REKT was a little harder than I expected, so I ended up adding a Bonus Stage after every level beat, where you can get extra lives, health refills and some score boosts.
The bonus levels occur after every level you beat, making the game a bit more manageable (Although I could make it happen only once every two stages in order no to make the game too easy).
One funny thing about it is that the items on the shelves are randomized, which serves no purpose other than having funny combinations (like Stadium Events for a measly cent).
As for Level 4, it's almost finished! All the enemies are done (Except the miniboss), and I even made a few more rooms for it. It should be done by next week. After that, it's gonna be time to do the final boss of the game (but I unfortunately won't show that one - you're gonna have to find out what it is by yourself
EDIT - 8/18 - More level 4 stuff...
And here's another progress update on Level 4!
-Added collision detection between sprites. And for once it's a fairly simple routine that saves me many keyboard smashes that were common with Brony Blaster
-Added Smileys and bonus items
-Added deaths, which include the regular death by too many hits, and drowning.
-Added ladders. These are always useful in such platforming stages
-Added a new level, mostly to test out new features, but I'll keep it in the game since I like it
Also fixed some optimization issues and made the engine a bit more robust regarding slowdown (although there shouldn't be any
Video below
EDIT - 8/11 - Level 4 enemies, multiple screens
Made a lot of progress this week! Level 4 now has enemies and moving platforms (everybody likes these right
), and I even implemented a little screen transition thingy to the game, although I almost threw my computer out of the window due to a small oversight regarding the NMIs that resulted in a scrolling glitch, which is now fixed.
Video below
EDIT - 8/6 - Collision detection working (with video)
Just made some more progress on Level 4! The background collision detection works pretty nice now, and a few other things, like springs, also work
Now that's out of the way, I need to start coding the enemies!
EDIT - 8/3 - Level 4!!!
Finally got back home after a long vacay, and started working on REKT again right away.
This time, Stage 4 is officially underway and the level drawing routine is 100% working already
Give it a few more days/weeks and that level should be fully playable. After Level 4 is done, I would only have to code the final boss before the last few testings for the release!
EDIT - 5/22 - Betatesters needed
With about 60% of the game done, I think it's time to start betatesting... And for this "special" update, I'd like to announce that I am looking for 1 or 2 betatesters who have a few hours to spare on this game in exchange for a free LE. Well, that as fast! Already got'em betatesters
- Thanks sadikyo and Gloves
As for the game itself, the Level 3 boss is about 70% complete, and it's one of those huge bosses you need to darken the screen because it uses the background due to its size. It also has some pretty impressive effects to it (namely a flamethrower), but I think it would be better for you to find out what it is in the final game... or through betatesting
PM me if you're interested with betatesting
EDIT - 5/11 - Stage 3, now with (politically incorrect) enemies!
Stage 3's main part is about done, and I have made a few enemies for that part. This stage was actually hard to code since it has a lot of sprites on the screen and used to experience a bit of slowdown... My solution? Make a more efficient sprite drawing routine and make one half of the player bullets move while the other half doesn't move every frame (That way there's less bullet runtime and less enemy/bullet checks which took a long time to execute).
Anyway, let's check those awful android adverasaries out, shall we?

Fatass in motorised cart:
This robot is too fat/lazy to move by himself, so he uses a motorised cart and always moves towards you! He's slow but takes 2 hits to kill

Temper Tantrum Kid:
Based on that kid who found a crappy Made in China toy his mother won't get him, this robot throws rubber ducks at you. Better avoid those duckies!

After waiting in line right behind one of these customers, one Wal Mart engineer had the idea to build this robot. It moves pretty slow across the field but throws pennies at you. Even if you like to pick up pennies, don't bother with these

Based on "vibrant urban youth", this robot is the most dangerous of the lot! Avoid the bullets it shoots at you!
Video below!
EDIT - 4/30 - Stage 3 started
Stage 3 is now officially underway!
Ripped off inspired by Smash TV, it's going to have quite a few enemies to defeat before engaging the actual manager!
Next update will consist of (politically incorrect) enemies! Watch out for the various androids built by the managers consisting of overweight people in motorized carts, children throwing temper tantrums, elderly people paying with a ton of pennies and inner city gangsters.
Video below!!!
At last!!! The demo of REKT is available for download! Come "enjoy" the first 2 stages of REKT in my latest bugfest
In all seriousness, I hope you enjoy the game, and any kind of feedback is appreciated.
Also, I already compressed Level 3's graphics and you can expect the first updates regarding it this weekend
|Download the rekt demo HERE|
EDIT - 4/9 - FULLY PLAYABLE Level 2 and a demo ROM coming soon!!!
I finally have a playable Stage 2 on REKT!!! As you can see, it's heavily inspired by some early 80's arcade shooters. It's also pretty difficult... Watch me playing it casually and getting absolutely REKT in the video below!
Also, since stages 1 and 2 are about complete and that Zi has almost finished the tunes needed for it, I'm planning to release a demo by the end of the month. Until then, you may or may not see this game elsewhere
- I will keep you updated about that potential showcase
EDIT - 3/16 - Level 2!!!
Progress has been a bit slow but steady! I know it still says "Lazer room" on the map, but I'm going to change it in the next update...
Anyway, here's the start of the second level of Rekt. I took inspiration in many early 80's arcade games to make this level, so hopefully it won't be TOO bad
Not too many features yet but I'll make sure to add some more this week-end
Video below.
EDIT - 3/6 - Level 1 complete!
After some time lost to Breath of the wild and some IRL stuff, I finally completed the first stage of REKT! I just need to make the stage ending scroll as intended, and I'm off to making Stage 2. There might be the odd difficulty tweak/eventual bugfix here and there, but other than that, that stage is complete
The next few stages are probably going to be coded a bit faster since there won't be much scrolling (except maybe in Stage 4).
Also, I'll post a demo ROM as soon as Level 2 is done! Stay tuned for that folks
EDIT - 2/25 - Enemy routine started
I started doing the enemies today, and it looks like they might be ready tomorrow. I just need to tweak the difficulty a little. Also, I will start doing Level 2 next week. All I can say is that it's going to take place in the Rollback Smiley's lair
EDIT - 2/22 - Level clear screen
I only had little time to program today, so here's a quickie. I've been wanting to use this effect in one of my games for a long time. What's also great is that I can use the same routine on later levels
As for minigames, since people are bringing this up, there might be a minigame or 2 in there
- Just like in Cornball Cocksuckers. It might add a few development days since this is a bigger thing than Cornball but I think it's gonna be worth it. Either way, enough rambling, here's that video!
EDIT - 2/19 - Playable character!!!
Finally had some time to code today so I included a playable character. Hopefully I can finish this level next week and maybe even the next one!
EDIT - 2/16 - Level 1 engine ready (minus sprites)
After slaving away most of the day, we have a working level 1 engine. I still need to program in some holes, but it should come later when I implement the sprites. For now, the only sprites used are those of the pseudo 3-D walls inspired by the Master System Aladdin game (well, this level itself was rip... I mean inspired by that game...)
Also, we have a name entry screen. Video below
After receiving countless PMs and requests to do it - I decided that I will deliver.
Got some gameplay ideas for Level 1 already, and a few others for some for the other levels. Except evil Walmart managers, lazer rooms and shark pits!
If you're wondering about the gameplay, I'm thinking about mixing a few arcade-ish ideas in the game. But videos will do them better justice. I will be updating the thread as next week goes on. For now, enjoy this video where I used some effects I wanted to use for a long time, including compressed CHR-RAM and a spinning background
Prepare to get