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Can you play DSI-ware off of a flash cart?

Oct 25, 2018 at 10:38:38 PM
phart010 (8)
(Paul Hart) < Meka Chicken >
Posts: 963 - Joined: 11/16/2016
North Carolina
I was just wondering if its possible to play DSI-ware games off of a flash cart. Most DSI-ware games are in the dustbin of history as you can no longer access the DSI eshop.

I am aware that people have hacked DSI’s to be able to download these games on sd cards. But my question is whether the DSI-ware format is similar enough to the DS cartridge game format to the point that it could be played off of a standard DS game card sized flash cart?

Just as a preservationist thought, I was wondering if maybe it would be possible to preserve some of these digital only releases in a physical form