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Does the avs have 4 players support for famicom titles? Id love to play the Technos sports titles 4 players, wouldn't you?

Dec 17, 2016 at 1:21:39 PM
Evilacid (2)
(Mike ) < Little Mac >
Posts: 87 - Joined: 07/05/2016
British Columbia
I was hoping someone could tell me if the avs has 4 players support for the jap Technos sports games (and any other 4 player famicom games I guess)

ive always wanted to play street bball four players. According to my reaserch the reason it dosnt work w my repro of te game and my four score has something to do with how the 4 score is programmed to piggy back the signals for player 3/4 off the signals for player 1/2 where as the fc's four player adapter pluged into the expantion port and offered independent signals for players 3/4. I found an adapter out there that plugs into the toasters expantions port and allows use of famicom accessories but the fc 4 player adapter is very rare. 

Anyways! How does the avs handle 4 players? Like the famicom or like the four score?
(side note, anyone ever try the Technos games 4 player on the retron 5, does that work?)

Dec 18, 2016 at 12:13:43 AM
Evilacid (2)
(Mike ) < Little Mac >
Posts: 87 - Joined: 07/05/2016
British Columbia

Maybe someone w an avs can do me a solid and try?
Pop in a repro copy of nekketsu street bbal (or the translated rom on a power pack) and see if players 3 and 4 work in a four player game using the 4 controller ports on the system.

The reason I'm curious is that the 4 score and an NTSC/pal nes won't support 4 player famicom games due to the fact that the four score routes the signal for player 3/4 with the signals for player 1/2, this is different to how the famicom allows 4 player control making it incompadable.

It would be nice to see how the avs is programmed to route the player 3/4 signal.

Dec 18, 2016 at 2:32:31 AM
bunnyboy (81)
(Funktastic B) < Master Higgins >
Posts: 7704 - Joined: 02/28/2007
Yes! There is a setting for changing the USA Four Score and Vaus into the Famicom Four Score and Vaus. The Famicom Expansion port is also there if you have the real hardware.

Dec 18, 2016 at 3:29:26 AM
Tulpa (2)
< Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 11400 - Joined: 12/24/2013
Originally posted by: Evilacid
(side note, anyone ever try the Technos games 4 player on the retron 5, does that work?)
Well, Retron 5 can't do all four players as the controller ports for NES are on opposite sides of the console, so you can't fit a Four Score or Satellite plug on it.


Dec 18, 2016 at 3:47:28 AM
Evilacid (2)
(Mike ) < Little Mac >
Posts: 87 - Joined: 07/05/2016
British Columbia
Originally posted by: bunnyboy

Yes! There is a setting for changing the USA Four Score and Vaus into the Famicom Four Score and Vaus. The Famicom Expansion port is also there if you have the real hardware.

This is what I was looking for.
Thanks bunnyboy.