Originally posted by: jonebone
I pretty much exclusively use and receive gifted payments on here. If you've seen several pics of the item and know the person you are dealing with, I have no problems sending gifted. I'd actually be kind of offended if a person didn't want to send me a gifted payment (unless they were a new user and just scared in general). Unless you actually offered to pay an additional 3% to cover the fees.
This is where I run into problems. I don't think sellers should pass the buck completely onto their buyers. Sellers should incur fees for services that they require to be used. Sure, if fees can be avoided for both sides safely than I'm all for it (both my forums and these forums offer free marketplaces to buyers looking to get around eBay marketplace fees) , but the buyer should not have to front all costs the seller may incur just to have the item. They are already paying shipping, possibly handling, possibly tracking/insurance, and now have to pay your fee for accepting a payment?
When you walk into a store, an item might be marked up because of rent, taxes, distribution cost, etc., but if this was itemized on the price tag when purchasing I think many of us would walk away. Also, if every item in a store was marked up to the point that the consumers were fronting the entire cost for the item being sold, I can't imagine the store lasting very long.
If you go to the store and got to the checkout and discovered that you had to pay an extra fee just to pay with credit card, you would be upset. The store can pass it on, but they roll it in the price or deduct it on taxes.
I understand that Paypal fees can sting, especially on very large purchases. I've been on both sides of this many times, but I still feel it's very off-putting and even unfair to the buyer to ask this of them, even in this virtual and free marketplace scenario.
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