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Need console modders for hi-def nes kit installs

Dec 12, 2015 at 10:11:49 AM
Game-Tech-US (53)
(Jason Rauch) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 341 - Joined: 06/28/2010
Once we start selling kits i'll need modders, from around the world, that I can list on my site that kit buyers can contact if they need someone else to do their install.

I really don't want this thread to go several pages deep of recommendations, nor do I want a lot of warnings of who to stay away from.

What i'm hoping for is proof from modders they can handle the install, it's a lot like doing the nesrgb, and the volume. I don't really want to include modders that only want to do one or two installs a week. That may all it will be in the beginning, but it could be higher later when we have more kits to sell and ppl don't like to wait and I don't want to get blamed for either of these issues being a problem.
So if you know a good modder, pm that person and tell them to post here or contact me direct at att gmail dott com.
Send me links to or actual pics or video of your work, tools, shop area, etc.
Don't PM me, email me...