Pokemon Puzzle League
Pretty fun game with very addicting game play. You have to play on hard to get the credits to roll. Interestingly, you battle an Elite Four at the end, but it's more like an Elite Three, as you battle Ritchie (from the anime), Lorelei, Bruno, and then Gary, the League Champion. (The game tries to make it a secret that he is the league champion, but you know.) It's really unforgiving towards the end. I nearly threw my controller at the screen trying to beat Lorelei, and then I finally beat her by dumb luck. If you haven't played it before, check it out.
Thanks for writing. I apologize for the delay in responding to your email during this busy time of year.
In regard to your email, it is great to hear that you have found a copy of Perfect Dark for the Nintendo 64. Perfect dark was a first person shooter game that was released in May of 2000. I personally enjoyed this game a lot during my mid-teen years since it allows for up to four players to play at one time. All the Perfect Dark cartridges were black.
I hope this information is what you are looking for.
-Response I received from Nintendo customer support when I asked if they knew any thing about a black Perfect Dark cart.