Originally posted by: rcorporon
Just got my SD2SNES Ref F. today in the mail and, for the most part, am enjoying it a lot. I've had some issues with a few roms though and was wondering if you guys could help me out. I'm running the 0.1.6 firmware from krikzz's website along with the dsp BINS and other files from stone age gamer.
Here's the issue I've had so far:
Hagane: gets to the start screen but when I press a button the start screen glitches out and game hangs
Super Castlevania IV: game starts normally but after the intro where you see Belmont crack his whip the game never starts
Mega Man X & X3 - Graphical glitches on menu, won't play
Aladdin - Glitch and hang on menu
I've tried two different Hagane roms and both have the same issue. Any ideas? Is there a set of ROMS that is preferred here for use?
I have a full "no intro" set of SNES ROMs on my Super Everdrive v2. I don't think Hagane or Super Castlevania IV have any special chips, so I could test them sometime.
Megaman X2 and X3 use special nonDSP chips and won't work on Super Everdrive. I don't have an SD2SNES, and untill something comes out with SA1 and SFX support, I'm not really interest.