Originally posted by: spoonman
I was wondering if there has been any progress on a new firmware which will fix the glitching and lockups with the RetroUSB 8-Bit XMAS 2017 cartridge.
I first reported it back on December 5th, 2018, but since Xmas is over replies have stopped.
To refresh...There is severe glitching and hard lockups when running the RetroUSB 8-BIT XMAS 2017 cart on the AVS (1.30 final firmware).
The power light on the AVS will occasionally flicker, and the cart eventually freezes up after some glitching.
I realize I can fix this by reverting to an older firmware, but I use the interpolation option exclusively in order to get rid of the shimmering effect. I also realize that the amount of people that own the RetroUSB LCD screen 8-BIT XMAS 2017 cart is probably small, but being that both the AVS and this cart are flagship RetroUSB products I think compatibilty between them should be a priority.