Originally posted by: rlh
The only thing "we" can do is build a better tool. Considering we want a new forum, if you guys build it so the TLD is "generic", then we could build a game collecting/playing community. We could have sub domains like, forum.thegamesite.com, wiki.thegamesite.com, priceguide.thegamesite.com collection.thegamesite.com (for managing collections) or anything else we want to add.
You could even integrate minor pay-for services to generate revenue to keep the lights on, and if all the data is housed in one source, there's a lot of room for growth. I really like GVN. Better than the alternatives, but if it's dying on the vine or being "consumed" into a bigger organization that's self-serving, then I'll hope for an alternative that's driven by a community.
I also want to say that I have nothing against Rick and Dain. These guys made excellent tools and sometimes you just need to get out when you've had enough or a good offer comes. That said, if our overlords were looking to just cannibalize these tools, well, that's their choice and right in a free-enterprise society. That said, I don't have to like it and if they let these services die, I'll remember that (as well as my business.)
Very well stated. Fair and noted 😉
WTB: Please help me find the following items
Hurricanes and Super Copa Boxes