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Local Retro Gaming Events Great times, but hard to come by.

Jun 28, 2016 at 4:24:31 PM
GoldeneyeGamer (25)
(Donald H) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1910 - Joined: 05/23/2016
From my experience, everything about retro games is better when its local. Buying from local yard sales: better prices and experiences. Local gaming events: great times with people in the area. Unfortunately, these events are particullarly hard to come by for most people I've talked to. Luckly for me, my local library has a retro game night the last tuesday of every month, and I have a great oppertunity to play multiplayer games with other people. I get to hear about people's experiences with certain games, their thoughts on their favorite games and recent events, and its a great excuse to get out of the house and socialize.
And of course play multiplayer Goldeneye 007.

So, I want to hear from the people of NA about their experiences with local retro gamers. Fun events, funny conversations, difficulties finding these kinds of events, and anything like this that's worth telling.  

I'm going to college! Sales thread for funding that's here.
Owner of post 5001 in the Aquarius thread.

Edited: 06/28/2016 at 04:51 PM by GoldeneyeGamer