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Zelda's Adventure CD-i demo disc... ...and not the fake from eBay a while ago...

Feb 1, 2013 at 1:20:12 AM
mb7241 (183)
(Matt B.) < Bowser >
Posts: 7167 - Joined: 05/12/2007
Just curious, what would a Zelda's Adventure CD-i demo disc (full game on a NFR disc, not just a "demo" per se) go for nowadays?  It's legit, red label and everything, not like the fakes posted some time ago.  I know the actual retail version has jumped quite a bit in the course of the past year or so (in the $300-$500 range), but I wonder if I should expect the same from the demo?


Answering any and all questions related to video game collecting.  Guaranteed true and honest answers from a man with nearly 20 years in the community.  Prices for these answers vary depending on the question.  For all inquiries, please PM me.

Edited: 02/01/2013 at 01:33 AM by mb7241

Feb 1, 2013 at 6:07:25 AM
Proveaux (87)
(Proveaux Proveaux) < Kraid Killer >
Posts: 2089 - Joined: 05/12/2012
United States
I'm curious too... Only seen a few on ebay since I snagged mine MANY years ago, and if I remember correctly, they all went for around the same thing as the normal version. Always thought they should go for so much more.

(Wife)Someone got 3 packages and it wasn't me...(Me)What are they?(Wife)I dunno. Tapes. Or whatever u call those things.

Feb 3, 2013 at 10:30:30 PM
mb7241 (183)
(Matt B.) < Bowser >
Posts: 7167 - Joined: 05/12/2007
Yeah, I'd think they would, too, but such isn't always the case (especially with CD-i NFR demos, but this is Zelda, and one of the rarest CD-i games overall). Anyone with a figure or a range?


Answering any and all questions related to video game collecting.  Guaranteed true and honest answers from a man with nearly 20 years in the community.  Prices for these answers vary depending on the question.  For all inquiries, please PM me.